Chapter 3: Flower Garden

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Chapter 3: Flower Garden

In front of us was the most beautiful garden I have ever seen. I have seen plenty and haven't seen one so colorful and vibrant and large. It was very large. I looked ahead all the way to the horizon and it seemed like it went on and on.

There were some flowers that I recognized like the lily, rose, bird of paradise, bleeding hearts and so on. The others were all unfamiliar that I couldn't help but stare at their shape and color. The aroma that the wind carried to us was a unity of all the aromas from the flowers. It smelled very fresh. I have no other way to explain it.

There were actually a lot of people exploring all the exotic plants and flowers. Some were deeper in the habitat that all I see are the top of their heads. There were bushes of flowers but some of them were on trees.

Some man said something to me in Korean when we got to where the habitat started.

"I'm sorry I don't speak Korean." I bowed.

He held up two fingers.

"Two flowah." He said.

I gave him a confused look. Confusion is universal right?

The man made a big motion with his arm toward the habitat. Then held up two fingers again. "Only two flowah."

"I think he meant we can only take two flowers for free." Harley said. We both nodded and said, "Camsamida." Thank you, I said. Then he gave me and Harley a sun hat.

We entered the great gates of vines and a stronger aroma hit me. We walked further down the trail. There were flowers everywhere. Everything was so peaceful and right that I almost forgot about my feet dragging me deeper into the garden. It was kind of like a labyrinth with turns and corners that looked exactly the same. But I kept going anyway. I had no idea if Harley was even still with me.

All of a sudden I heard a scream followed by a bigger chorus of screams. I looked around to see if anyone else heard it but I was alone. Harley wasn't with me after all.

The screams were coming closer and closer. There was a rustling then, someone rounded the corner and ran towards me. He saw and something in his eyes lit up. I looked at him curious at why he was running and why he was running towards me.

He finally got to me and pushed me back a bit. He grabbed my sun hat. Then suddenly he pulled me close to him. I involuntarily gasped and looked up to look at his face. At the same time I was about to yell at him but something on his face kept me quiet.

He turned his head to where the screams were coming from, then turned back to me. He pulled me tighter to him until my face and his were only a couple inches away. He used my sun hat to cover both of our faces as the screaming girls passed us.

All the while, I was looking at him and him at me. My heart pounded as he scrutinized my face. His soft cheek bones and jaw, his pink lips, his slightly brown wavy short hair and deep black eyes suddenly took my breath away.

The best of all, he was taller than me. I was actually looking up to look at him.

After the crowd of screaming girls slowly disappeared, he slowly let go of my waist and stepped back. He returned my hat on my head. He then bowed with a smirk on his lips.

"Thank you." He said. He looked at me while he bowed. Then he winked.

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