Chapter 5: Used and Hated

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Chapter 5: Used and Hated

"I hated being separated from you," Harley said as she shoved her feet into her flats. "Are you sure you don't want to go clubbing with us? Drinking age is nineteen. Well technically it's eighteen but they somehow add another year to your current age."

I frowned at her unusual statement but shook my head no. "I still have some chapters to read. And it's not really my thing anyway." I remembered the many times when I'd seen my drunken cousins making idiots of themselves. There is no way am I ever going to act like that.

Harley snorted. Very unlady like. "You're never going to meet a man if you won't even go out with your girlfriends." She warned.

Like I came here to meet a man. I shrugged. "Maybe if you guys went to places other than clubs then I might actually consider coming."

She sighed. "Okay, then how about tomorrow. Let's go eat over at the yellow lilies for dinner? I swear no alcohol involved." She teased.

Yellow lilies were what they named the restaurant two blocks away that had vases labeled yellow lilies. The real name what still a bit difficult to say so it was nick-named that. I've always wanted to go there and check out their jjajjangmyeon which are black bean noodles.

"Sure." I suddenly realized how hungry I was. I stood up and walked towards the door. "I'm hungry. I'll go down with you."

We rode the elevator down to the lobby. Harley continued her relentless pursuit of how fun the night was going to be. I just ignored her the rest of the way down. She sighed in annoyance and she walked over to the group going to the club. She turned to me one last time, though, and did some motions. "I'll miss you," she said in sign language. I smiled and did the same to her. She then waved at me one last time and the group entered the taxi waiting for them.

I walked to the small dining area. But I was suddenly craving soup from across the street. I was a regular costumer there always ordering the same soup. When I told them I wanted something different, they openly accepted my request. I sat on one of the chairs outside the little restaurant. My eyes roamed the street in front of me and behind me until I finally settled on the news broadcasting on the small pink television they had hanging on the wall.

It showed a garden that I immediately recognized as the garden Harley and I visited. I couldn't help but feel warmth and happiness remembering the beautiful garden.

The screen then changed to a picture taken of two people hiding, it seemed, behind a tree. The tree leaves were covering the girl's face. She was wearing a white dress that looked familiar. I moved on to the boy who's face was also covered but still pretty visible. I looked closer to confirm my suspicion. I searched the screen and found that his name was Noel Park.

I quickly took my soup and ran to my room. I felt guilty, but I immediately dialed Harley.

"I knew you'd come out sooner or later? Did you change your mind?" She was yelling on the other line through the blasting music.

"Harley, I need you to come back. Now." I said.

"What happened?" To my relief she sounded concerned. At least she's not drunk yet.

"I'm on the news." I said.

I waited for her to reply. I was scared to say something so I waited for her. Finally she did.

"I'm coming." She hung up after and I was left to sit on my bed coming up with different reasons why I would be on tv with a stranger who pulled me aside for what I thought was for no reason. But as I continue to replay it over and over again, it dawned on me that he had used me.

But instead of feeling insulted and angry I somehow felt honored, out of all other emotions. I dwelled on that fact, for a while, to help me forget the fact that I was just on the news, probably hated by millions of fans.


the next few words contain much encouragement and are strongly recommended.





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