Chapter 2: Airplanes in the Night Sky

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Chapter 2: Airplanes in the Night Sky

REMINDER: The settings, people and names are fiction. The rest are not (S.Korea cities, Salem State, etc)


I hate airplanes.

To think I'll be stuck on the same airplane for eighteen hours. Can I survive this?

I drank one tablet of dramamine wishing that it would work now not thirty minutes later. But I didn't wait too long for it to work.

Someone was shaking me from my sleep and I had almost yelled at them to leave me alone if I hadn't suddenly realized I was on a plane to S. Korea. I opened my eyes and see my bestfriend Harley, shaking me and whispering my name. I suddenly became aware of my sorrounding. The plane had stopped.

"We're here, girlie. You better hurry up and get your luggage because I am not going to get it for you." Harley said.

Great best friend huh?

I smacked her hand away. "Shut up. You're giving me a headache."

"No seriously. They're about to open the doors."

I was on the window seat so it was a bit harder for me to get up. Once I stood up everything moved around me making me dizzy. It was probably because I slept for a whole eighteen hours straight. No food or bathroom breaks. I owe it all to that dramamine I drank.

I reached for my carry on and sure enough people ahead of us started moving forward into the bridge to the airport.

Once I stepped into the airport, I finally got a real sense of freedom. It was so strong that I teared up but, quickly pushed it away to hide it from my fellow classmates. I replaced it instead with overwhelming happeness and impulsively jumped on Harley, laughing and squeeling like a maniac. She laughed along with me.

Our teachers gathered us together in one place. I looked around and finally got a good grasp of all the volunteers that came along. There were 21 of us gathered now from my major. I heard the total number of volunteers were around 159 all of us spread around the Asian coastal countries.

"Listen up, you hooligans. Remember what we're here for." Mr. Hanaway, Nursing professor for Medical Surgical said. He was my clinical professor. "I have a schedule here that Mrs. Stephenson will handout. Everyone please, it is essential that you all get one. Our bus is right outside and if we could all just behave like normal college students, you will all be in your comfortable hotel rooms in no time." He gave us a little smirk.

We all knew that he knew we were not normal college students. I looked around and saw all the drooling fools watching Mr. Hanaway as he smirked at us.

It's his fault really. His thick, dark, short hair and emerald green eyes made most girls in school into drooling female corpses everytime he passed them by. I even get hit once in a while. But I'm smart enough to avoid seeing him because everytime Harley freezes and put on that dreamy eyes of hers I quickly turn to my ultimately boring textbook. I refuse to be one of them. Well I try anyway.

We head to our bus after we got our luggage, then headed straight to our hotel.

We got a nice hotel, paid for by, of course, us and our school. Finally our over priced tuition, food, parking, and books are actually paying us off.

The good thing about this mission is we don't get paid to do this. It doesn't make us look greedy. As for the students, we are still getting to take our classes online and this mission counts as four credits.

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