Chapter 6: One Lie Down, Many More To Go

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 Chapter 6: One Lie Down, Many More To Go

"Are you sure that's you?" Harley said. She stood behind me. I showed her a picture I found online that they'd used on the news.

"Yes. I remember it clearly because he showed up after I heard a bunch of girls screaming. He pulled me over right when he saw me and covered our faces with my hat." I exclaimed. "That's him and he was holding me." I sighed.

"What is he called?"

I rolled my eyes frustrated at her because of her lack of alarm. "A Hallyu Star."

"What the heck does that even mean?"

"Hars, they're big time celebrities. Actors and actresses. From what I've discovered about him is he's pretty well known here and in America."

I continued to search the image of any indication that may disprove my conclusions but I found none. I knew one hundred percent that that was me and somehow, someone was able to take a picture of us. I knew that once the media find out, my life will never be the same.

On the other hand, I was angry at the man for doing the stupid stunt in the first place. Who ever he was now he's even more popular. I can't help but think that he might be enjoying this. What more does every star want but popularity?

"How about we just forget this ever happened?" Harley offered.

Although the offer sounded heavenly at the moment, I was still bothered.

"Just forget about whatever happened. You might not even see this guy again. For all we know, he probably did that for a popularity stunt. I bet you'll never see him again."

She's probably right. There was a small chance that we'd meet at the garden. So there is probably an even smaller chance that we'd meet because of close observation from the media.

"Fine. I'll forget about him, who ever he is." I exited Firefox and turned my computer off. "He better not show himself to me again. Or else, I'm running away."


"Who's the girl, Noel?" Leroy, Noel Park's manager, paced the room after he showed Noel the news. Part of him was irritated at Noel because he disobeyed him by going to the garden after he'd told him not to. The other part of him was just mad.

"It's no one you should worry about. She just happened to be there when I needed to get away from my fans." Noel sat relaxed on his red leather sofa. He was surprised that someone had taken a picture of them but he quickly just accepted it.

"You used the poor girl."

"Relax, Leroy. I said thank you." Noel chuckled.

"I don't know why this is funny to you. You got the popularity but now she has the death threats from your fans and the media." He tried to make Noel understand, but he was afraid that the immature boy wouldn't. He'd thought Noel had finally grown up from the naive boy he once was.

Thankfully Noel became serious. He sighed and sat up.

"I know. I wanted to apologize but at that moment I was just surprised even, at my own actions. And Leroy, she was beautiful." He sighed the last word, remembering her piercing eyes looking back at him. He was amused that the girl didn't push him back but accepted his situation and went along with it.

"I need to find her and apologize." Yes. He definitely needed to. One, he owes it to the girl and second, he just wanted to see her again. He somehow missed how she felt in his arms. He wanted to have a better memory of her features, honestly.


 Our next location was at Busan, five hours from the Village using car transportation. We carried boxes full of clothes for the people who needed them. Since houses were flooded and destroyed by the storm, we had to collect some donated clothes from Seoul.

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