Welcome To My Life- Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to All my amazing readers!

It was another day at forks High School. The same annoying people and the same boring teachers. Wait! Before I get ahead of myself, let me tell you who I am. My name is Kyla Nicole Cullen-Black. Yes you heard me right. I'm a Cullen-Black, the daughter of Renesmee Cullen and Jacob Black. I am the youngest of two with their first child being my twin brother Karson Nicholas Cullen-Black. He is annoying most of the time but can be a softie other times. We are 15, sophomores at Forks High, and live with our entire family on our mom's side, minus Great-Grandpa Charlie and Great-Grandma Sue, in this huge mansion looking type home. Despite being a twin, I clearly don't share the same personality as my brother. Karson is the typical football player with a ton of friends and loads of attention from the female population. Myself on the other hand am a multi-athlete but only have a couple friends and no attention from guys whatsoever. Not that I care anyways. I also have my dad's temper where Karson got mom's calmness. If you are confused what we are let me clear that up right now. We are 1/4 vampire mixed with the other 3/4 human with the werewolf gene thrown in there. Yes, we have been  told to watch for us to phase sometime soon but I think Karson is going to phase first since he is older. Our vampire powers really haven't been found yet but who knows they might come soon as well. Yep that's about everything. I think anyways :)


Fridays, my favorite day of the entire week. As I was walking to my 2nd class of the day,which was English (yuck :/), I felt a force push me against a locker. I looked up and saw the she-devil herself, Little Miss Queen Bee Brittany, and her stupid boyfriend Brayson smirking at me.

"What the hell do you want?" I growled.

She laughed in her annoying high-pitch tone,"I just want to know why you were let out of your house looking like that. I mean who would of thought someone could look that hideous."

I just rolled my eyes at her and clenched my fists to try and control my temper. Brittany saw that I wasn't going to say anything back so she slapped me across the face. That was it. I lunged and punched her in her fake nose, easily breaking it. Our "fight" if you can even call it that, was broken up by the principal. I was suspended for a week and went home and snuck in oblivious to everyone else.

I glanced at the clock a few hours after getting home and saw that my loud-mouth brother would be home soon. While I was sitting back against the headboard of my bed, I started to hear arguing and yelling. "Great. My parents just found out," I thought to myself. As I listened closer I heard four unfamiliar voices. I opened my door slightly and saw four members of the Volturi downstairs. Taking a closer look I saw that it was the twins- Jane and Alec, the tracker- Demetri, and Mr. I'm built like a freaking tower- Felix. Well my day just keeps getting worse. "What's next?" I wondered. My thoughts were confirmed when I saw the front door burst open and my twin brother come running in and his big mouth yell, "MOM, DAD!!" Oh yeah, I'm screwed now.


** A/N** So what did you think? What do you think is going to happen between the Volturi and Cullens? How are Renesmee and Jacob going to take the news of Kyla being suspended? Well vote,comment and fan for more of the story :)

** PICTURE OF KYLA TO THE RIGHT ------------------------------------>

P.S. I only own my original characters that I made up. All others belong solely to Stephenie Meyer.

P.P.S. I still need help coming up with a title, cover and possibly trailer. If anyone could help, I would fully credit them.

Until next time- Your author, Adrienne aka its_a_shortiee :)

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