The Initial Discovery

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James and I had been really good friends for a few months. We met while playing soccer in the after-school program. I liked to play defense and he liked being goaltender. We talked about shows and video games we liked and wanted to hang out together and play some games. He had just gotten a new console and I really wanted to try it out so we scheduled a time for me to go over his out one day.

James was shy when it came time to get changed after soccer and would always take his clothes and bag into the bathrooms for the privacy of a stall instead of just getting changed in the locker room like the rest of us. I never really wondered why but found out the reason the day we had our first sleepover.

I took his bus home with him that day and while we were waiting for his stop he kept complaining about how much he had to go to the bathroom. I thought it was funny so we were joking around about it.

"Oh yeah? You have to go? Are you going to poop your pants?" I laughed.

"I really hope not," he was laughing along.

We got to his stop and it wasn't too long of a walk through his neighborhood but he kept having to pause to keep from having an accident. I could tell he was really trying not to go and didn't want to make a big deal about it. I've had accidents before and it was always really embarrassing when it happens.

"Are you going to be okay?" I asked him after the 4th time we had to stop walking.

"I don't know," he could barely get the words out he was holding on so much. "Can I tell you something if you promise not to tell anyone else?" He looked at me with a pretty serious face.

"Of course. I wouldn't want to do anything to upset you," I replied. I really didn't want to ruin my new friendship.

"I have accidents a lot and I don't want you to think less of me if I have one in front of you." He sounded like he was about to cry.

"It's okay. I have accidents sometimes too. If you can't really help it then there's no sense getting upset about it." I thought about how I could make him feel better. "My brother has a lot of accidents and still wears goodnites most of the time. He doesn't seem to mind that much."

"I really appreciate you being nice about this. I have to confess that my mom makes me wear them when I've had a few accidents in a row and so I put one on after our practice today." He pulled his shirt up a little to show me the waistband. "I really don't think I'm going to make it home and I don't want you to stop being my friend."

"Don't worry about it please. It's not a big deal if you have to go just do it in your pull-ups and then we can walk home." I reassured him. He thanked me and then stood there for a second while he filled his pants. I could see the outline of his pull-ups expanding in his shorts while he was doing it. If I had been looking earlier I probably would have been able to tell he was wearing one but I hadn't been thinking about it. He sighed with great relief when he finished and we kept on going to his house.

"That must have felt good to finally let go after trying to hold it in for so long," I said.

"Yeah it really did. I'm sorry if the smell bothers you at all. I can't hold it sometimes," he worried.

"Honestly, it doesn't bother me. Like I said my brother has accidents all the time and it's never a big deal to me. Even the last time I pooped my pants it didn't smell that bad." I was trying to make him feel better.

"Thanks. It really means a lot to me that you're okay with it. I don't really have many friends and when they find out about my situation they stop hanging out with me," James confessed.

We made it to his house and when we walked in his mom immediately noticed James' situation.

"Oh James honey did it happen again?" She looked turned to me and asked if I still wanted to stay for the sleepover.

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