The Movies

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I was extremely nervous to be out in public wearing what I was wearing, especially since I was very aware of how loud my underpants were. Thomas and James didn't seem to care at all but I could tell that Katie was kind of in the same boat I was. My shirt wasn't long enough to fully cover my poofy butt and Katie was wearing overalls, so no obscuring her behind with those. At least she was wearing an overnight which was decently discrete when dry. I couldn't stop staring at her ass when we were walking into the theater.

"I'll get the tickets while you guys get some drinks and popcorn. It's a special treat so get whatever you want but don't go overboard, okay?" Jennifer handed me some money and the four of us waited in line at the concession stand.

"I assume everyone is getting a large soda?" I asked the group, jokingly. Of course James, Thomas, and I were going to drink as much as we could. I was really enjoying my weekend of accidents and I didn't plan on slowing down now.

"What about you, Katie?" I asked her with a playful poke. She giggled and looked down at the ground for a second like she was being shy but then looked up at me.

"I don't see why not," she winked at me as she replied. "5 large sodas and don't forget the popcorn!"

We got to the front of the line and I ordered everyone's drinks, some popcorn, and candy for us as well. Jennifer came over with the tickets and grabbed her drink as we headed for the theater. When we walked in the theater was completely empty! That's why we always picked movies that had been out for a while. We shuffled up the stairs to about the middle row. I was watching Katie's crinkling behind the whole time. She smelled really good, too.

Jennifer sat down, then Katie, then me with James next to me, and finally Thomas on the other end. James and I were drinking as much soda as we could. I couldn't wait until my bladder was full so I could pee my seat. Thomas was going hard on his soda too. Katie and Jennifer were eating their popcorn as the movie started. I liked how thirsty salty popcorn made me and before long I could hear the girls sucking down their drinks as well. With the exception of Jennifer, we were all in a great position to be drinking sodas and watching long movies.

We all shared the candy and the popcorn together while the movie was playing and I think I was the first who needed to pee. If I had to guess it had only been about a half-hour or so since the movie had started. With the previews it was probably closer to about 45 minutes.

I leaned over to James and whispered, "I really have to pee. What about you?"

He leaned back and said, "not yet but soon for sure."

Katie overheard me whispering and grabbed my hand and said, "you have to go already? How much soda did you drink?" She giggled as she poked me in the side, making me laugh quietly with her.

"Can I ask for something from you?" Katie whispered to me. I nodded and she continued, "can I feel you while you have an accident?" She was lowering her hand towards my crotch. I didn't even have to think about my response and pulled my shorts out so she could put her hand down them. I shifted a little and spread my legs so she could get a good feel of the front of my diaper.

She leaned in real close and whispered, "go ahead, diaperboy. Have an accident in your diaper for Auntie Katie." If I hadn't started peeing in that moment I would have gotten way too hard to go. It started very slowly but I was able to fully release my bladder into my pants while Katie kept a nice firm grip on my rapidly expanding diaper. I finished peeing with a sigh and Katie gave me a few good squeezes, definitely trying to get me excited.

James had been watching the whole thing and reached over to feel for himself how much I went. He was also trying to get me going and the both of them rubbed the front of my diaper together for a few more seconds. I was super excited but James stopped feeling me after a few seconds. He was feeling himself a bit with his other hand, too and pulled my hand over to his crotch as he started to pee.

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