Dinner and a Show

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The sound of four crinkling, heavily padded bottoms seemed deafening as we all made our way downstairs to discuss what we wanted for dinner.

I stared at James' and Katie's butts the whole way. I loved how pronounced the diaper was in James' basketball shorts and the more subtle bulge in the seat of Katie's overalls. The fact that she put them back on after getting a fresh diaper made me wild because I knew she wouldn't be able to get them off again like last time. She was basically locked into using her diaper, no matter what she needed the toilet for.

We talked for a bit and tossed around dinner ideas. Thomas laughed as he suggested fried chicken, knowing that Jennifer and I always have problems from the grease. Katie and James weren't aware of that and agreed to the suggestion. Jennifer and I looked at each other hesitantly before we agreed to get chicken. We got the orders together, then Jennifer and Katie left to go get the chicken.

"Does James know about you and Jennifer's problem with chicken?" Thomas teased.

"What problem is that?" James asked.

"Whenever we have fried chicken, me and Jennifer spend a lot of the night in the bathroom after because of all the grease," I explained.

"Something tells me that's not really going to be a problem tonight," James said as he put his hand on the seat of my shorts and rubbed a little.

"Yeah, just hope you don't have a blowout!" Thomas laughed.

We went to the kitchen to get some soda and sat on the couch together and watched TV, waiting for the girls to arrive. At one point a commercial for boys' sleep pants came on and we laughed together.

"Yeah we tried those with Thomas and he made it about 4 hours before he started leaking into his pants. Mom thought it was a defective one and changed him into a fresh pair. Within two hours he leaked through them again. Kid's a little super soaker," I said as we laughed more.

"Yeah that's why I only get pull ups if I've been dry for a few days," Thomas turned to James. "Mom knows they won't be good all day so she waits until I've been accident free. I'm usually in the overnight diapers unless we have to go somewhere and then I get a daytime one. I hope she switches to those special ones you brought over after Jennifer tells her how great they work."

I went to get more soda and brought the bottle back into the living room. I refilled our glasses and put it back in the fridge. When I got back to the living room Thomas had his pants down and was sitting on James' lap.

"What's going on here?" I asked.

"I really have to pee again so I jumped on James' lap. He didn't even know I was going to do it," Thomas said as he shimmied his diaper butt deeper into James.

"He stood up and next thing I knew his pants were down and he was nestled right here on my crotch," James was grinning. Thomas really took a liking to James and I think it's because they were both true diaper boys at heart. They loved every aspect of wearing and using their diapers, mushing and grinding their full briefs as they filled their pants with more accidents. I could definitely tell that both of them liked cumming in their diapers, too. The movies proved that Thomas enjoyed that a lot and my experiences with James proved it, too.

Thomas leaned back a little bit and James wrapped his arms around his tummy. Thomas let out an exaggerated sigh and began wetting himself. I watched the front stain yellow and fill as James worked his hands down to cup the front of Thomas' diaper. Thomas finished peeing and James gave him a good squeeze and helped him off his lap. Thomas bent over right in front of James, putting the seat of his wet diaper on full display. James put one hand on the upper part of his seat and his other hand he cupped underneath the diaper, reaching towards the front and giving it a good squeeze.

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