Changing Time

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"I think I need a new outfit now," Katie said while standing up off me. She revealed the large wet stain completely covering the seat of her overalls to Jennifer, who laughed. Jennifer reached over and gave the front of my shorts a squeeze.

"Katie you made it look like he peed himself without a diaper on. What am I going to do with you two?" Jennifer remarked as she laughed along with James and Thomas.

"We might need to get cleaned up. Did you want to help us?" Katie asked Jennifer. This was a good cover for the three of us to go help Jennifer get cleaned up after her messy accident.

"What about me?" James asked us, wondering when he might get a fresh brief himself.

"I can try to help, if you like," Thomas said a little shyly to James. "I've had my diaper changed a lot of times but I've never changed someone else's diaper. Is it okay if I try to do it?"

James agreed to let Thomas change his diaper but did warn him that messy diapers are just that: messy. "You will need to be very thorough in your cleanup so I don't get a rash. Are you sure you're okay with this responsibility?" James asked.

"Yeah! I promise I'll spend extra time making sure you are really really clean!" Thomas was excited to be on the other side of the changing mat for once. I think this will be good for him to realize how bad a messy diaper can get, although I doubt it will keep Thomas from bouncing up and down in his big stinky pants every time he poops himself, smearing the contents all over his diaper area.

I let Jennifer go up the steps first so her diaper wouldn't be visible to Thomas back in the living room. I couldn't help stare at the deep brown stain mixed in with the yellow surroundings of her (surely multiple) wet accidents as I followed her up the stairs. Katie was next to me, also staring at how well Jennifer had filled her pants. Jennifer was taking her time climbing the staircase, not because I think she liked the feeling but I think because she was trying to keep everything from shifting more than it had.

My assumption was proven wrong almost immediately when Jennifer got to the second to last step and stopped. She leaned forward a little and released her bowels into her diaper a second time. This one didn't seem as big as the first one but definitely wasn't quiet, since Katie and I were just inches from her diaper as it expanded more to contain her accident. I couldn't believe Jennifer was having a real accident like this. I know she wouldn't have wanted to empty her bowels this close to me normally. When she did it earlier she had the choice of us being a few feet away but this time was very personal and much more embarrassing.

"I'm sorry I really can't hold it anymore," Jennifer said softly enough for just us to hear it. She pushed a little more and I could hear the last few bits come out into her deeply stained briefs. I could see liquid pooling against the plastic in the area between her seat and her crotch as she peed again. I looked at Katie who had one hand down on her crotch, pressing into her diaper. I looked back and saw Thomas and James were around the corner, likely getting ready for James' diaper change. Good thing they moved because there was no way to cover up what Jennifer did in her pants here on the stairs.

We slowly made our way to the bathroom while Jennifer was walking with her legs spread apart, which made me and Katie giggle. As they entered the bathroom I went to my bedroom to get a few wipes and some clean overnight diapers for me, Katie, and Jennifer, as well as wipes, oil, the changing mat, and a clean diaper for James. I brought the supplies down and handed them to Thomas, who said confidently, "I'll take it from here."

I got back up to the bathroom with the wipes and fresh diapers to find Katie and Jennifer taking each other's clothes off and the shower running. Jennifer got Katie out of her soaked overalls and held them up to inspect.

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