Friday Night

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A few weeks later, my parents were going out of town, leaving my sister in charge of me and my brother. I begged them to let me have James over for the weekend and after much coercing, they agreed as long as my sister said it was okay.

"As long as you two promise to behave yourselves then fine, but you and James have to help me watch your brother when Mom and Dad are gone," Jennifer told me.

"I'll do whatever you need to help with Thomas," I said as I looked over at my brother. He was playing his Switch on the couch and not paying attention to us.

My parents left Friday afternoon and James arrived a couple hours later. Jennifer was making some dinner for us when he came in.

"Thanks for letting me stay over for the weekend, Jen. I don't really ever get to stay over at my friend's houses so this is really exciting for me," James was carrying his backpack and I was holding the duffel bag he brought with him. "Did my mom talk to your parents about everything?" James blushed as he asked.

"Yeah my mom told me all about your situation and it's similar to what Thomas has been dealing with. I already told Thomas that you two will be helping me watch him so hopefully you won't mind taking care of some of his accidents for me." Jennifer was happy to have two helpers in the house.

"Are you two going to be okay sharing a bed? I don't think an air mattress will fit in the bedroom," she asked us. We answered that it shouldn't be a problem.

James and I went to go put everything in my bedroom. It wasn't as big as James' room and I had to share it with Thomas. Each side of the room had a twin bed with the TV right in the middle against the back wall. There was a small desk on either side at the end of each bed next to our dressers. James and I put the bags down on my bed and he opened the duffel bag.

"Look at what I brought," he said as he emptied it onto my blanket. There was a good mix of pull ups, daytime diapers, and several of the extra bulky overnight diapers. "Check these out," he grabbed a small pack from under the pile. The front read "Prototype Briefs" and had a drawing of a white diaper with four yellow lines running down the front. On the other side of the package was a drawing of the back of the diaper with three grey lines running up the back.

"What are these?" I asked, very curious why they looked so special.

"They're a new thing. The front lines turn blue like normal when you wet but the lines on the back will turn green if you mess. I haven't tried them out yet but I thought it would be cool to see if they actually work like that. And, they hold a lot!" James told me he was super excited to try them out as we put everything back in the duffel bag.

 I wasn't sure how I was going to get my sister to go along with letting me wear diapers when James was here this weekend but James wasn't concerned about it. "Why don't you just have an accident and see what she says?" James nonchalantly said. It wasn't a bad idea. Thomas had a bad week making it to the bathroom on time and was currently in diapers because of it. He had wet his pants at school twice and pooped his underwear this week, so Mom has been putting him in diapers at night. He was wearing pull ups during the day but had another accident in them this morning so Jen changed him into a diaper for the day as well.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to try. Thomas has so many accidents I don't think it would be out of the ordinary for me to have one, too." I was nervous about what might happen and what if she told Mom and Dad about it. Still thinking about it, Jen called us down to dinner.

"Ok let's see what happens when I have an accident at dinner. And speaking of accidents, are you wearing a pull up?" I wanted to see what James had on under his shorts. He lifted his shirt to show me the waistband of his Goodnite. He told me they were dry "for now" as he winked at me.

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