Seasons of Love Part 3

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Part Three:

I have always been a late riser. I can remain awake late night compromising with my sleep but can never get up early, even if I don't stay up late. I woke up at eleven that morning. Last night I attended a party, and returned home around 1:30 am. I was so tired, that I could only change into my night dress and retired into bed with my make up sticking messy to my face.

My cheeks were burning badly. The irritation ruined my sleep and I ran to the bathroom and washed my face. I noticed rashes on my cheeks. I came out from the wash room and saw mom standing out with her hands on her hips.

She said, "I have always told you don't use anything and everything on your face. Why did you not use the foundation I gave you in the evening?"

Yeah, she did give me too many creams and cosmetics to use before going to the party but I did not use all of them. I dislike makeup just because I don't know how to use them. Infact, I don't understand how and why do we have to cover our face behind those layers of cream and powder.

"You gave me three to four things to apply on my face. I was confused so I applied the thing which was glowing.", I replied.

"You applied petroleum jelly on your face? Oh my goodness!! That's meant for your lips! I told you to put that on your lips before applying the lipstick!!", mom said.

Oh yes, I applied the lipstick too and removed it with a tissue as soon as I got into the car.

'Mom, just let it be. I will go to the doctor today.", I said.

I was too irritated with my rashes and she kept on complaining about my barbaric habits of dressing any how.

"Did you look at Piyush? He is so handsome. He maintains a very sophisticated look. If you continue being like this, he won't marry you. After all, he too needs to take his wife outside in the society. It's high time you lose weight and start maintaining your figure. You need a makeover. Get that into...", she went to the kitchen and her voice faded.

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"Yeah, yeah into my head. I'll get that into my head...", I said to myself. 

Piyush Roy, another villain of my life. I was only eighteen and he was twenty four. And our families were deeply in love with each other, so they paired us together. They waited for me to get into college. Piyush was a spineless creature who had no voice to refuse. I knew I would be engaged to this bloke once I get out of school. I had said a strict 'no' to this but my family took it lightly. They thought, its the same old dialogue of a teenager who often says, "I won't ever get married." 

Today after mom said all this, I called up Piyush. He answered my call almost when the utterly boring song set as his caller tune, ended.

Piyush: Good morning Shehnaya. How are you?

" We met last night in the party, right? ", I said.

Piyush: Oops! Yeah sorry. Hangover.

"You drank too much yesterday. Obviously why wouldn't you. It was all for free.", I mocked him for drinking shots after shots with his cousin. I hate people who drink too much and then lose their senses.

Piyush: Shehnaya, you called me...tell me what happened?

"Listen, I want to ask you something.", I said in a very low tone.

Piyush: Yes. What is it?

"How was I looking yesterday?", I questioned him uttering the words as fast as possible.

Piyush: uh..yeah good... good... very good. (Puzzled)

"Be honest. Tell me. I was looking funny right?", words came out from my mouth like thunder. I was feeling weird because I was asking him this.

Piyush: See Shehnaya, you are really pretty. You have wonderful eyes but the thing is, you are not like other girls. You hate makeup, you hate dressing up that's fine but you can always look good. Like your boyfriend said, be presentable.

"Do not talk about that bastard. And he is not my boyfriend. He is my ex-boyfriend. Do you get that?", I bursted out like fire this time.

Piyush: Okay, sorry I forgot you broke up with him. But Shehnaya, are pretty. Very pretty. Just learn the trick of looking presentable. It will help you to build up your image in front of others. You look at Maria, she is your cousin right? She carries herself so well. Tell her to give you a make over.

I remained silent for a moment. And then yelled, "Go get married to her then. I am not like her and I can't be like anyone. I will not change for anyone. Refuse to marry me, please. Tell your mom you don't like me.

Piyush: I can't do that you know it very well.

"Shut up", I disconnected the call and threw my phone on the bed.

He called again. I did not answer. I slipped into my jeans and a violet top, and was ready to go out.

Mom came running from the kitchen when everything was over. Just like the police in the bollywood movies.

"Whom were you speaking to like that?", she asked.

"No one. I am going out. I'll be late.", I took my bag and sat down on the sofa to put on my shoes.

"When will you return? Where are you going and with whom?", she asked.

"Before 7:00. With Tania, to hell." I replied and went out.

I could hear her shouting from behind, "You are going out of control day by day. Today I will tell your dad. He must...." her voice faded as I ran down the stairs.

I was going to meet my new English tutor that day with Tania. I loved the subject but had no external help. Therefore, recently I was scoring very less marks at school assessments. I decided, I would find the best English tutor of the town and take tuition. Tania and I found a well-known professor. He was young, but was known to be the best English teacher. We went to meet him that day.

I was in the bus when Tania messaged...

"Where the hell are you?!!"

"Coming...just boarded K5..."

To be continued....

Jaismita Alexander.

Seasons of Love by Jaismita AlexanderWhere stories live. Discover now