Seasons of Love Part 21

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Part twenty-one:

Rudra was someone who made me feel wanted. His fear to lose me made me feel very very special. Was it more than friendship? I asked myself. Certainly, it was not less than love. After that storm which broke us apart only to bring us closer again, he wanted to meet me. As soon as possible. He said, "I want to meet you."

I knew this meet would be special. There would be a change of body language. There will be a different expression in our eyes. It was obvious that we couldn't meet at VK's home. A cafe wouldn't make us comfortable either. So we chose to go for a walk.

I met him at the bus stand. He was late as usual and of course not bothered about it. I was so impatient to meet him this time. My heart skipped a beat everytime I thought about how wonderful things were between us.
I saw him crossing the road. Amongst the speeding cars, he made his way out. He was similarly excited to meet me. A crisp white shirt made him look like an angel. The masculine heavenly description I read about in classic stories. His spectacles shone from far. As he came near, my heart skipped a beat again. He stood with a smiling face. 

"Hi", he said. 

As if we were meeting for the first time. I was in a trance. I just smiled and replied, "Hhi...Let's walk."
Without any delay we started walking in an empty lane. I knew the place well though I didn't often visited the maze in our locality. "
We started talking about how people behave in a lonely lane. Some smoke weed. Some randomly stroll around while waiting for their lovers to meet after work or tuition. And couples walked hand in hand. We didn't speak anything about the previous day. He then wanted to take me out for dinner. 

We went to Param's cafe cum restaurant. Param greeted us at the reception. He was shocked to see us both together but didn't say anything. We sat at a table. Param turned on the music while it started pouring outside. The ambiance was perfectly romantic but the closeness between us was not yet apt for both of us to enjoy it together. But yes we did enjoy... individually. 

Rudra ordered for food. Like always I refused to decide on the menu so he did. As the waiter left Rudra took out his phone from the pocket and said, "I think I must message VK and ask them to not wait for me till dinner."

"Yeah. Sure", I said bringing a frail smile on my face. I was battling with my thoughts. My mind was against my heart. I kept staring at him while he typed the message. My mind questioned my heart. Why were we scared to lose this closeness of ours? Was this friendship? Or more than it? If more than friendship, then is it love? But how can it be love? I didn't fall in love yet. Neither did he say that he loves me. My mind showered questions while my heart had a different conflict. My heart asked why was he so scared to lose me? Why did he cry for me the previous day. What was I to him? How did such a carefree, friendly and 'cool' guy just turned so emotional yesterday? 

He finished typing and looked up to catch me staring at him. He said, "What happened, haan?" 

"Nothing.", I said. 

Suddenly Param came inside looking pretty tensed. He said, "Guys, its raining heavily outside. The news says its cyclonic rain. The traffic has come to a stand still. The roads are blocked. We are staying back here tonight. I suggest you people to not leave in this dangerous weather."

"Are you nuts? Do you even know how will my parents react if I don't reach home tonight?", I panicked.

"Your parents must have watched the news. Its dangerous to go out like this.", he said again.


"Wait guys. Stop panicking. Shehnaya what did you tell your mom? Where are you?", Rudra asked stopping the argument. 

Seasons of Love by Jaismita AlexanderWhere stories live. Discover now