Seasons of Love Part 6

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Part six:

Life had become a little simpler after I kicked out Sudhir. He was one of the problematic characters in my story. I was disgusted by his daily calls and harassment over work. Even my ex stopped calling me. Sometimes he messaged a 'good night' and that was the end of it.

Nothing more. But like a Hindi daily soap never can carry on without a villain, my life too couldn't be at peace. Piyush now very 'dutifully' played that role. He started dropping in every second day. And my mom very dearly cooked for him and treated him as if he was already her son-in-law. I stayed out of everything. Gradually, I stopped talking to him as well. I didn't even bother to retaliate to his nonsense.

On the flip side, I was loving my English classes. VK was an awesome teacher and recently, both Tania and I scored exceptionally well in our assessments. To celebrate our achievement, VK took us out for lunch on a Sunday. That day, not for even once did he made us feel like he was our teacher. He was so very friendly. We enjoyed a lot.

It was almost two months since we joined VK's tuition. Tania worshiped him like he was her deity. With every passing day he impressed us by his extreme casual but charming persona. He was an epitome of knowledge.

We generally never missed his class. Specially Tania, she never allowed me to even get late. But on a Friday evening, Tania called me up. She was extremely sick. I was getting ready when my phone rang.

"Hello. Yeah I am ready. Where are you?". I said.

"I am ready too but I vomited just now. Not feeling well. I think I can't go", Tania sounded genuinely sick.

"Oh God! What's wrong with you? Please go to the doctor ASAP.", I replied. I was worried for her. She generally keeps fit.

"Okay. I will but you don't miss the class today. Please go. I will take the notes from you.", she said and coughed badly.

"Okay sure. Bye, take care. Let me know what the doctor says.", I said and hanged up.

A class without Tania would be boring. I thought. I liked VK but Tania used to be the one who interacted with him mostly. She used to make things funny and VK added up to the fun. I enjoyed being with them but today it was a bit awkward for me. I was scared of VK. He gave me looks and I felt like as if he could read my mind. His eyes questioned me whenever we discussed about love stories and I expressed nothing positive. I was scared to face his queries. Yet I left home on time and reached VK's house.

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Tania had already called him to inform her absence. I sat quietly and waited for him to bring the books from the other room. He was in is daily carefree mood. He came in with a bundle of books and kept them on the table. He looked at me and smiled.

"Good evening VK", I wished him.

VK: Good evening, Shehnaya. So? Bored today?

I was embarrassed as my face clearly expressed the awkwardness. Yet I replied, "No no, actually I am missing Tania."

VK: So she is your best friend?

"Yes", I answered with a smile.

VK: Don't worry she'll be fine. So let's do something different today.

"Okay. But what?", I asked.

VK: Did you read 'Old Love' by Jeffry Archer?

"Umm...Yes I did, but I did not like it.", I replied making faces.

VK smiled turning his head to and fro making a chucking sound from his mouth.

VK: You are really anti-love? Or do you pretend to be so. What is it that made you like this?

I looked at him straight and my past just rushed into my mind like a short film. The scuffles, the arguments, the endless crying, the man-handling, the abuses, the filthy talks...everything came in front of my eyes. I blinked my eyes and shook my head.

VK: Are you okay?

"Yes..yes I am.", I replied sounding a bit upset.

VK: Share it. May be you have some misconceptions. Why are you so much against the wonderful feeling?

I was sweating now. I took out my handkerchief and wiped my face. He was my teacher. How could I tell him about the emotional and mental stress I have been through for about six months. 

He looked straight into my eyes demanding for an answer. I gathered myself and opened my mouth.

"VK, love couldn't make me believe in it. When I came to know about this feeling in me, for the first time for someone, that someone never loved me back. I cried, I prayed. And when someone claimed to love me, he never loved the real me. He wanted to make me his puppet. I have been through a lot. I don't believe in love." Tears touched my cheeks.

VK got up from the chair and went near the window. I continued...

"Time and again I tried to make him happy thinking he loves me truly. But he didn't even bother to take care of my little likes and dislikes. And he never even ask me when my birthday is. He just wanted everything from me. And when I refused, he complained. He black mailed. Love wasn't about only these two people in my life. But many many came, they said, they expressed but at the end of the day my emotions were insulted. I have had enough at this age. No more can I allow someone to do wrong to me." My voice throttled now. I cried.

VK came back to his chair and sat down. He closed the open book in front of him and cleared his throat. He said, "Go home today. You are upset."

He got up from the chair and left the room. I packed my bag wiping my face. I didn't realise how weirdly VK behaved. He was the one to ask me repeatedly about my past. When I cried, he just left the room. Later while returning home, in the bus I thought about it. Tania messaged asking what happened today. I just replied...

"I missed you a lot but may be I found a friend in VK today. Will tell you."

Yes I did. Not because what happened at the tuition but what happened after it. A two hours long WhatsApp conversation....with a friend named Vikram Adhikary. VK.

To be continued...

Jaismita Alexander

Seasons of Love by Jaismita AlexanderWhere stories live. Discover now