Seasons of Love Part 14

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Part fourteen:

The guests started coming in. VK's parents were with him, so his friends were received by Rudra and Param. It was 6:30 already and Romita was impatient to finish the ceremony as soon as possible. Time to time she messaged VK who was either busy talking to relatives or was running out every now and then to receive guests at the gate.

"Shehnaya, please go and ask Vikram to start the ceremony. My friends have to leave early. Many have come from far and it will take them more than two hours to reach home.", Romita said to me.

"Exactly, even we have to reach home by 10. I must tell VK.", I said this and left to find VK.

He wasn't there in the living room. I searched in the whole house and then called him. He didn't answer my call. I went to the garden and saw Rudra standing with a glass of cold drink in his hand. I walked upto him and asked, "Did you see VK? Romita di is searching for him. We must start the ceremony soon. There are people who have to travel for more than two hours to reach home. Even I have to return before ten."

"Oh come on Shehnaya. Let the evening unfurl its beauty. Once the engagement is over everything will come to an end.", Rudra said once again sounding very casual and carefree.

"Rudra, I need to go home. After 10 public transport isn't safe.", I sounded worried.

"Enjoy the party, I promise I will drop you home.", Rudra said.

"Yes, Shehnaya. Rudra will drop you. Don't worry"

I turned back and saw VK standing behind. VK was always at the wrong place and the wrong time.

"VK, it's okay. I don't bother so much about Tania and myself but Romita di is impatient. Please start with the ceremony.", I pleaded.

VK smiled and said, "When I proposed her she took six months to accept and now see who is impatient."

"Yeah. These girls are like this.", Rudra chuckled and said.

"Oh please..."

"Okay okay you both don't fight now. I'll go and announce. Let's start with the ceremony.", said VK before I could pick up an argument.

VK went up the stage and asked for the mic. He adjusted the mic and said,

"May I have your attention please, thank you all for coming. Your presence is special to both Romita and me. Its already 6:30..."

Before VK could complete, Rudra got up on the stage and took the mic from him. Everyone looked surprised.

Rudra said, "Its unfair...its your engagement VK and you will host the ceremony? Come on, let me do what a brother must do. Hello everyone! So let's start the ceremony. May I ask Ms. Romita Dey to please come up on stage?"

Romita came out from the house with Tania. VK went down and brought her up on stage. Everyone applauded.

Seasons of Love by Jaismita AlexanderWhere stories live. Discover now