Seasons of Love Part 15

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Part fifteen:

I woke up early that morning. VK's engagement brought my work and studies to a stand still. I remembered there were two assignments pending and next week we had an English test. We missed our lessons for a week so I was pretty much worried. We needed VK to help us, but then we didn't want to pressurize him. I started typing on my laptop the first subtitle of my new article. There was a vibration on the desk. I looked at my phone. There was a text message. It was from Rudra...

"Good morning girl, get ready to face some good music today. ;-) VK is annoyed with Tania and you."

I replied... "Why? What are you talking about?"

Before he could text me back VK called. Inspite of having the phone in my hand, I didn't receive the call instantly. I stared at the screen and tried to recall if I had done anything wrong. I could remember nothing. Just before the call was about end, I swiped to receive it. A little hesitantly I said, "Hello...Good morning VK."

"Shehnaya, how irresponsible can you girls be? Why didn't you tell me you have an exam next week? Somehow I would have managed an hour or two to teach you girls!", VK panicked.

"VK, VK calm down! Listen to me...", I said.

"Come on Shehnaya, come home today after 10. Inform Tania too. We'll start with our chapters.", he said sounding a bit calmed down.

I replied, "Sure. I'll tell her. And we'll be there at 10."

He hung up and I messaged Tania. I completed my first assignment and left home to reach VK's house. On the way, I bought a few chocolates and lollipops for Arjun. He was here in India for a few days more. I would really miss him. I reached VK's house. VK was taking a bath and Tania was on the way. Rudra came into the study where I was waiting for VK. He sat on VK's chair and pretended to clear his throat. I looked at him, raised an eyebrow and asked, "What?"

"VK...didn't...scold you?", he asked sounding anxious.

"Why should he scold me?", I asked.

"No...he shouldn't... but in the morning he was complaining about you people. You have a test or something and you didn't tell him.", he said.

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "VK never scolds."

"Ouh! I thought he does.", he said.

"Think everything that is actually nothing.", I replied with a grin.

"Okay, stop it now. We tend to fight every time.", he said slapping his forehead lightly.

I looked around for Arjun. He was nowhere. I asked rudra, "Where is Arjun? I have brought some sweets for him. I would like to give him if you don't mind. A small token of love before he leaves."

Rudra looked at me and smiled, "He is sleeping. But one thing I didn't understand.", he said giving a pause. "Leave for? Where? Dubai?"

"Umm yes. I mean before you both go back, I wanted to give him some thing.", I said.

Seasons of Love by Jaismita AlexanderWhere stories live. Discover now