341 21 6

The cards shuffled and cut into halves.

The 1st card the reversed
- the lack of commitment a risky relationship thereof

The 2nd card the upright
- unexpected changes in career, love, and finances

The 3rd card the upright
- the appearance of someone who will come into your life

" A storm will come "

The man continues to shuffle the cards laid out at the wooden table.  The cards were laid out in the red velvet cloth, one by one the wheels of fate started to turn for two people bound to one another.


Tay flung the map to a tree, his hot-headedness was all over the place.
He was lost, he knew no better than following a trail of deers for a good shot at the forest of the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Region.
What's he doing there, he is in search of the famed albino moose which is very rare in Canada.

Tay Tawan Vihokratana is a famous photographer known in Thailand. During his vacation getaways, he is searching for subjects to focus on for his next exhibition.
And his highlight for his exhibition is the albino moose.
A very rare species of moose only found in Canada, others believed it to be a myth, Tay had been roaming around forest after forest in Canada and this is the 3rd forest he'd gone to.
Now he was sitting on a dead tree lying on the grounds. Lost in the middle of the Great Lakes St. Lawrence in Ontario Canada.

"Fuck!Life! so much for a white moose!"- Tay

If I can't get out of this forest by nightfall might as well find a good place to camp for the night.
He knew better than to follow a path he stumbled along the way.
The lush greens hovered the area as the musky earth swallowed every footstep Tay leaves behind.
One thing that he hates the most is "rain". It began to rain in the forest and the more it poured it became chilly, Canada was already a cold place then rain comes, Tay almost trembled his thick jacket was not enough to shield him from the cold, and given that it was also wet.

He found shelter at a cluster of the pile of tree trunks that looked like a teepee remembering one of the books he read about the native Americans the Apache's one of the tribes residing in the United States.
His musings were interrupted by a loud horn. It is eerie and chilling adding the cold rains that poured through the whole forest. Only droplets of water on the leaves and the splashes of mud can be heard. As the horn blew loud seems as though it is ringing beside my ears.

"What have I gotten myself into" - Tay

Tay huddled himself at the corner of the tree trunks, hoping he could hide from whatever was stomping nearby with the horn that blew closer and closer to him.
He imagined different scenarios in his mind, what if this is a tribe that practices cannibalism. Or a madman out for a kill, maybe I get lucky it will be just a ranger warning dangerous animals.
Tay shuddered at the thought of him dying alone in a pitiful state or maybe a gruesome one. He shook his head.

"Think happy thoughts, the sunrise, the sunset the fool moon, Off's ugly face, Arm's unrequited love, Lee's Cassanova days, Fuck!I miss my useless friends. Khaotang my dog I miss my baby." - Tay

He whispered seemingly chanting every word that can save him from whatever it is that was close by.
But then it became quiet, Tay's started feeling goosebumps, his nape getting colder and it feels as if his hearing started to go deaf. It was a deafening silence. His heart started to beat erratically and his breaths started to shorten.

Crunch!.. Tay stepped on a branch as he hid further in the trunks of the tree.

"Fuck my life!"- Tay

Smassshhhhhh!!!! The trunks of trees were blown into smithereens as Tay crouched down covering his head with his arms.

"NO!!!!Pleeaasseee!!"- Tay

"tsk tsk tsk... Easy boy easy now tsk tsk tsk hold up... " - New

Tay looked above the first thing he saw was white antlers stuck at a tree back waving in the air. He was beyond terrified but had the guts to look at the thing that caused the barks to fly in all directions.


I saw the moose the albino moose I've been looking for. I was startled as a bark came flying towards me, I did react quickly by dodging rolling to the sides then crawling fast a few feet away from the scene. I sat with disbelief as I saw the majestic moose who looked like a mythical creature from the books I was in awe, my photographer instincts kicked in as I grabbed my camera clicking in succession to capture the moment.

Then I realized I was not alone a hooded figure was beside it, his hands coming out of his baggy cloak that was as white as the moose's fur.
Then I noticed that he noticed my presence as well. The man turned to me and cocked his head sideways still covered in a hood where half of his face showed, his blood-red lips curved into a smile. He is as white as snow and there is only one he can think of seeing the hooded figure "Snow White" whose lips are as red as an apple, skin as white as snow.

"Are you okay?"- New

He was talking to me while reigning in the white moose and then I noticed that it was bound by reins.

"I am sorry for startling you, Shola was startled at a running hare. He went running mad. Are you hurt? "- New

He walked closely his hood draping on the wet ground accumulating mud, he stood in front of me. A horn slung on his shoulders he was hidden on his cloak, his boots peeking out muddy and wet. He smiled again.

"Say you don't eat humans do you?" -Tay

That was the first thing I said before reaching his laid out his hand to help me stand. He chuckled.

"We are what we eat" - New

It was too late I already grabbed his hand as he pulled me up, with a horrified expression on my face. I was about to pull my hand when he laughed.

"I don't eat people, you're safe. So stop looking like this is the last day you will see the daylight hahaha" - New

He was laughing, anger crept up on me as it feels like he was fooling around with me. I pulled my hand from his hold. Staring daggers at me.

"It's not funny, I almost died. With the moose puncturing its horns at me!"- Tay

The white moose startled by my voice started to stomp his hooves again, I stepped backward.

"Easy .. Calm down you frightened the poor thing" - New

I just looked at him like he grew two heads is this man crazy, I looked more pitiful than that giant. I looked like a wreck. Drenched, dirty, muddy, my hair looked like a whirlwind just made its way on it with leaves and sticks all over me. I was checking my camera for broken pieces thank god it was fine.

He was patting the gigantic moose's head. The moose itself was humongous its antlers may be as wide as my arms spread out even wider. Its height towering above my shoulders. It's frighteningly big and intimidating.

"Isn't he cute, look he Shola is shy" - New

"What the! He's shy?? how can you tell, he looked like he could kill if he impaled me with his big antlers?!"- Tay

He laughed as I looked at him in disbelief. He took off his hood and I saw the most beautiful pair of eyes staring back at me, his eyes hold the stars in them as they twinkled as he laughed squinting at me. The mole beside it accentuated his charm. I was speechless as he drew me into a trance.
It's confirmed maybe he is an elf of the forest.

"Are ... Are you human?" - Tay

His laughter sang like a melody in the air. Like cherubims singing joyously in the heavens, it made me smile.

"I'm New, you are?"- New

"I'm you're future. Tay.." - Tay

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