iii. The Fool Reversed

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New had gotten fever the next day. I was worried insisting I'd rather call in for a doctor over the radio. When a knock from the door had pulled me off my thinking.
Unlocking the front door swiftly he had the keys to New's cabin?
Was it an acquaintance? I held on to New's hand beside his bed fearing that whoever shot New might be the person who is on the other side of the door.

It was a tall burly man, his features indicated he was mixed. He was tall, with black hair and a toned body. He suddenly dropped his things on the floor and had a gun on his side. I gripped New's hand tighter guarded by the unknown man inside the house.

When he noticed that I was looking at him. His face shot up with confusion that soon landed on my hands which gripped New's.

"Who are you?"- Tay

Fearing I won't get to know who will shoot me I asked as my voice croaked.
He would then walk towards us.

"Stay away, don't come close!"- Tay

He raised his hands in the air.

"I'm the sheriff, it's Luke... Luke Plowden"- Luke

He showed a badge from his chest and my heart that pounded so hard on my chest sighed relief.

"Tay Tawan, I'm sorry." - Tay

"It's alright mate so what happened, New?"- Luke

I didn't realize that New was already awake and I was still holding his hands as he squeezed mine as well mouthing words that he is okay.
I nodded and got up.

"I..I'll get coffee and uh... You two can talk" - Tay

Even if I knew that the kitchen would only be steps away from them I tried hard not to pry from their serious conversation, a couple more minutes passed and I saw Luke's concerned face at New, still in his shirtless state Luke looked over New's wound.
Then he started redressing it as New winced at the pain.

I laid the coffee beside the table on the bed. New gave me an encouraging smile, he knew I was a bit shaken up by what happened last night. Disregarding the strain on my feet which I knew were now healing even if I walked them several times now.

"Tay, you're feet are you okay?"- New

"I am don't worry about it and worry about yourself first" - Tay

He chuckled which I find annoying at the minute. The Luke turned to me.

"Thank you for taking care of New, I got here as soon as I can but I was way out of the estate, I'll help you get out of the forest, I'll take it from here now thank you Tay" - Luke

He was making me leave.

"No ..I... What I meant was I still have to take pictures of Shola, I'm a photographer and I'm lucky to stumble to New and Shola, erm ..this is embarrassing but I... New can I stay for a few days I really need to cover Shola's I... Sorry" - Tay

I thought of a lot of reasons to stay, I didn't need a few days to shoot photos, but my heart tells me if I walk away now I would regret this my whole life.

New just smiled at me.

"You wouldn't get that far with your swollen feet anyway, let it heal first. You can stay" - New

"Wow, thanks New you don't know how much this means, my exhibit! Yeah, I'm sorry I was just so excited. I will get out of your way. Promise!"- Tay

I went to the bathroom to calm my erratic heart. I was flushed and excited my heart betrayed me the minute New flashed his smile at me. I wasn't even thinking about my exhibit.
What dreaded me was Luke's scrunched-up brows when I asked to stay.
When I went back I saw Luke holding New's hand. The latter just tapped on his shoulder smiling apologetically at him.

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