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Heyo there!
I just want to bring up some of my ships (btw I'm a multi shipper) so you would know I actually ship that and also not to give a request for the ship since it would be the obvious well you can see request it but not as a something to rate but for to show why I ship it
My ships:
-Leafy x lollipop (btw I ship this a bit more than leafy x firey)
-leafy x firey
-teardrop x woody
-four x X
-Flower x Ruby
-cloudy x balloony (I don't like [I hate them- sorry] these two characters btw but I ship them together since it makes sense
-tennis ball x golfball
-coiny x pin
-test tube x lightbulb
-lightbulb x paintbrush
-test tube x fan
-Fanny x bubble
-candle x silver spoon (I don't ship it too much but I still do)
-tree x bottle
-tree x pen
-puffball x fries
-blocky x taco (kinda ship it btw)
And that's pretty much it, please respect my opinion and if you hate these ships and will hate me for it then I'd recommend not to read this and don't send hate either because if you respect my opinion I'll respect yours and you're allowed to say you don't like the ship but say it in the most polite way you can

I just want to tell you that no matter how hard life is right now for you, for me, for anyone or even for the world, eventually things in everyone lives will get better even your life and few words are I want you to remember and to tell yourself every time you are sad:

Remember that you are still special even if you are at a moment or having a emotion that makes you feel like you aren't, and you know, you are special in my eyes and there's always someone, anyone even people you don't know yet, they'll love you like I do so don't let that moment or emotion take you down and go on to be yourself and shine like a star and go on to adore yourself too <3

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