Calculations (leafy x golfball)

53 1 3

Requested by: @-clowndog- (why do I continue to put "@" no one really requests much if you noticed)
I give up on trying to think of plots and just whatever I first think of I just make it that plot
Mini chart for no reason:
Leafy: 3 ships
Golfball: 2 ships
Alright imma shut up now and let myself go wild also if you are aware of inanimate insanity please send requests for that too and I should've made this long ago, ok I'll shut up now.

Golfball's pov
There's been times where I regret trying to "execute" leafy since it was technically firey's fault for not letting her in just because of a Ferris wheel that obviously would've killed her since she's a leaf and leaves burn in such heat like that.
And because I think we kinda took it too far because she doesn't seem like the same person like before most likely meaning we destroyed her mental health and no matter who it is expect people who really deserves it shouldn't go through that.

Maybe I should try talking to her? Plus I remember tennis ball saying that executing her would be too much, which is true, I guess all of us were in the wrong that time, yeah I should try talking to her.

But after the challenge since it's about to start and probably not nearby anyone mainly because many of the other contestants don't like leafy and might try to get me away from her or make me think something else that isn't true. And because I would want to talk to a cute,nice and sweet girl by myself, uh nothing

⏰after the contest⏰

The contest was done and I saw leafy just go away from her team and just walk to a area that nobody just goes to nor does anyone cares enough to go there, so I took the chance to talk to her but there's a 99.67% chance that she would just that she was sorry for being in the area that someone wanted to be in and just run away, so it'll be risky but it's worth a shot.
I walked up to leafy and just as I expected she said "oh I'm sorry for being in the spot you wanted to be in, I'll just leave" she was about to leave but I yelled "wait! I want to talk to you!" I didn't yell too loud so no one else could've heard expect her.
She turned to look at me in quite the shock. Has it really been that long since she talked to someone who knew about the whole stealing of dream island incident? Or is it because us other experienced veterans started to hate her ever since that happened to the point that she would think we wouldn't want to see her ever again. "Listen, I'm sorry for trying to kill you, I now realized that this wasn't your fault, all you did was make a mistake. Hey, come here and just sit here for awhile" I sat down and leafy came to sit next to me. She went on and on talking about anything basically and she did vent to me a little bit during that then change the topic again. "Hey leafy, can I tell you something?" Yes, I know, it's rude of me to interrupt her when she's talking but I had to tell her something to get it off my chest. "Yeah, what is it gb?" That damn adorable voice of her's, uhh I said nothing. I tried to think of the proper words to tell then I just said "my calculations says that you are 99.99% adorable" Why did I say that. I did blush a tiny bit and looked away for a moment. I looked back at leafy and she was blushing, definitely more than I was. "D-do you really mean that golfball?" She had a smile on her face that I haven't seen in years. "Yes I do" I smiled back at her and she hugged me. I never really get hugs from the others except tennis ball, so it was nice to get a hug from someone else. After awhile Four called us contestants to get into our teams and get over there to start the contest. "Well see you later leafy" I started to walk away from her. " bye golfball!" Then she went to her team. Seems like my calculations about what I said was very correct. Also the 00.01% is her being very pretty.
I got this request on what? May 4th and I actually finished this on may 26. I'm so sorry for the long wait to the person who requested this ship for the long wait but it's finally done now

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