XI - In the Act

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To anyone else in the world, today was just any other day. But to Broderick Thorne, it was his seventeenth birthday. In the Thorne household, these types of annual events never meant too much. It was just another day in the year, so Broderick wasn't too particularly excited to be going from sixteen to seventeen. There was one thing he did always look forward to on his birthday though, and he could practically taste it on his tongue already. Every year since he was young, Luna and Romani always took it upon themselves to bake him the most delicious pastry dish. It was the same every year and always tasted the same with strawberries and cream, bits of chocolate and vanilla. Broderick couldn't wait to sink his teeth into it.

He lay in bed for several minutes after waking up, extra blankets draped over him and Neville due to the cold weather outside. Winter was rolling in quickly at this time of year, and with it came the chilled windows and a need for further warmth. For himself; however, Broderick wondered if the extra blankets were necessary. All hours of the night, Neville was against him, curled up beside him as their bodies shared the warmth that naturally clung to their beings. Twirling a lock of brown hair around his finger, the Young Master remained beneath the covers, not wanting to disturb the serenity of the other boy's peaceful slumber.

Each time he blinked up at the elaborately designed ceiling above his bed, Broderick could feel the pull of the scab healing above his left eye. He was sure it wouldn't leave a lasting impression on his skin, but over the two days that have gone by, he could see the regret in Neville's eyes whenever the boy looked at him. Turning his nose into the lovely scent of the boy's hair, Broderick kissed his lips against the wavy curls, causing a stir when he pulled away. "Apologies," the Young Master said, "I did not mean to disturb you."

Settling further into Broderick's embrace, Neville buried his face against the Young Master's neck, filled with comfort and blissful warmth. "It is alright," he said in a small morning tune of both fatigue and pleasantry. "I do enjoy waking up to your kisses."

Broderick hummed then, coming down on top of Neville as he kissed the boy's forehead, cheeks and lips. He smiled to himself as the boy giggled, staring up at him with those calming gray eyes of his. Neville then kissed just below Broderick's angled jawline, resting his delicate arms around the Young Master as his lips nipped playfully at Broderick's neck.

"Is this your present to me on my birthday?" the Young Master uttered

Ceasing from his raid of demure intimacy, Neville sat up, "It's your birthday?"

"I am seventeen as of today," Broderick said. "It is nothing to excite yourself over."

Excited anyways, Neville buried his hands in his lap, the tousled look of his morning appearance causing a light chuckle to leave the Young Master. "Will you be having a party with music and gifts?" he inquired. "Surely all will come to celebrate such a day with you."

Broderick shook his head, "You must have my family mistaken for another. Birthdays are not a celebratory moment out of the year. When I was younger, it used to confuse me when the children I associated with would tell me of how they received gifts, and family and friends would come from all around just for them."

Neville tilted his head in confusion, his locks falling to the opposite side. "If I had a birthday to celebrate, I would hope that my own family would want to do at least something for it."

"That's right," Broderick thought, "You are not sure of when your birthday is."

"It's alright, though," Neville assured. "Mister Erin Cross told me once that I was born in 1814. I am just glad that by the end of each year, I know how old I am. Since I am fifteen now, by the time the end of December comes around, I know I'll be sixteen."

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