XIX - Working Man

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Broderick and Neville had spent the next eleven months living as they'd dreamed life would be with just the two of them. Even though the money had come from a bloody task, it'd lasted them a good while, but as the months went on and on, Broderick began to notice the trunk of guinea getting emptier and emptier. He spent their money modestly, never purchasing things of waste, but still the money diminished after a while and soon reality hit Broderick like a wakeup call.

So he'd spent the last few weeks looking for a job. There were plenty of opportunities of being a servant to a rich household, and though it would pay decently, having to live within a servant quarters and take strict orders didn't sound like something he could handle. He'd tried his luck in several places, and while he'd tried to avoid it for a while, Broderick finally found himself face to face with the docks of the waterway. Ships of all sizes were stalled at the piers, anchored down while their crews loaded and unloaded barrels and crates of goods. He watched the men for a couple minutes, observing their crew's interactions with one another as well as the bosses on the ship.

He kept his eye on one transport in particular. This was one he'd noticed came and went a lot more frequently than the rest, giving Broderick the idea that they traveled the shortest distance. It was a ship that honestly looked more like a pirate ship than anything else. The crew was purely of men, most young in age, twenties or thirties, and they all appeared to get on rather well with each other. Spotting the man who seemed to be in charge coming down the loading ramp, Broderick pushed off of the post he'd been leaning against.

The man was fairly large in size, reminding the boy a lot of his father. He had pale brown hair that twisted down his shoulders, dressed in dark brown trousers, black boots, a heavy black coat, and a white buttoned shirt. The tie around his neck had been undone, and while he passed by, Broderick found a pace beside him. "Excuse me," he said, "May I have a word with you? I won't take long."

Without even glancing in Broderick's direction, the man continued on, "Ain't looking to join no new church, son. Find another pocket."

Confused, Broderick went on, "I'm not with a church, sir. I was wondering how one went about joining your transport."

Hearing this seemed to get the man's attention and he stopped. He looked Broderick up and down with judging eyes, a smile coming to his thin lips. When he offered a hand in greeting, he introduced himself the moment Broderick's hand clasped his. "August, John August. Pleased to meet you..."

Avoiding the usage of his real name, Broderick spoke the alias.

"If that is your real name," the man squinted his eyes up at Broderick, and then laughed a moment later when he received a nervous look. "Only kidding, son. Half my crew goes by fakes anyways, so even if that was your real name, it really wouldn't make a whole lot of difference. Anyways, if you're looking to join, it ain't me you want to be talkin' to. I command the ship but don't take note of who is and who isn't onboard. I appointed Simon to do that job."

"Where can I talk to this Simon?" Broderick asked.

John looked around and when he spied a man in his early to mid-twenties walking away from the docks, he pointed him out, "That's our Simon. Bit of a crude man sometimes so good luck. Catch him now before he disappears like he usually does."

"Thank you," Broderick said, and then he hurried along. He couldn't see the face of the man walking at a steady speed, and whatever it was, this man seemed to be in a hurry. As he crossed the busy street, Broderick tried to avoid being run over by bustling buggies and coaches, excusing himself each time he bumped into someone crossing his path. "Sir," he called out, "Mister Simon!"

After hearing that someone was calling after him, Simon's pace picked up, walking faster until he stepped between two buildings, and when Broderick finally caught up to the back alley intersection he'd last seen the man, he looked all around only to find nothing. But this shadowy lane was not unfamiliar to him. It was where he'd last seen those two men kissing, and the only place available to disappear to, was that same backdoor they had sought shelter in.

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