XV - Crimson Touch

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Broderick didn't go out every day to take the lives of people he gained money from, but he did notice something about himself as the months went on. He no longer slept as much as he used to, ate as much, or even...felt as much as he used to. The only thing he was ever sure of nowadays was that he was in love with Neville. He was glad that that was one thing he still understood, how to love, but somehow the majority of his other emotions went abandoned. Remorse slipped from his fingertips, regret following not long after, and fear was also something he couldn't remember feeling since before he and Neville escaped into the shadows.

He got angry a lot quicker than he used to, didn't take it when people opened their mouths disrespectfully towards him, and the amount of times he'd been in hand to hand confrontations with a couple of Grigory's villagers, well, he couldn't keep track of it. Rarely thinking about himself most of the time, his main focus remained with Neville, making sure the boy always had what he needed to be comfortable in this unstable place. On certain days, Broderick found his mind empty of thoughts, and the only person who could bring him out of his moments of self-conflict was Neville. It was the boy's sweet words and quaint lips that did the trick, always softly spoken and careful. More often than not, they were alone together, either out and about to simply be away from the gloomy village and hotel, or locked away in their shared room with the assurance of the other's touch.

Just like today.

They'd just returned to the hotel after eating supper out at a small time pie shop, and although Neville had complained about being full and tired after their meal, the moment Broderick had closed and locked their room door, the boy was all over him until they were lain back on the beds they now had pushed together side by side. Broderick sat up on his elbows as the other boy straddled his groin, enjoying the ravishing attention being given to him as kisses ran along his neck, coming back to his mouth every so often when it seemed Neville desired another taste for it.

Once Neville went for his neck again, Broderick let his head fall back, a breathy sigh emitting from his mouth the moment a kiss was pressed to the angled cut of his jaw. Neville seemed to notice the sudden stammer of his lover's breath and smiled to himself. When the myriad of kisses continued, Broderick opened his eyes to the blank wooden ceiling above them. His entire body felt numb for an instant, losing his train of thought until he suddenly heard the whisper of his name. He laid down completely and wrapped his arms around the boy's body, holding him closer to feel whatever heat he could gain from the familiarity.

"Yes?" he asked.

Neville calmed himself down from his appetite towards Broderick's skin, and lay down beside him in the bed. "I've been thinking about something lately," he said in his usual soft-spoken voice. "I don't know how you'd feel about it, but I don't like when you leave for several hours. It's only once a week you do this, and I'm probably just being unnecessary, but I just...I don't like when you leave me here by myself. Whatever it is that you do when you're gone, can't I go with you, or perhaps you could stop going?"

Broderick didn't say anything for a few seconds. They'd been here in Grigory for exactly one year now, and not once had Neville mentioned anything about feeling any sort of way about his leaving every so often. Since being in this village, he'd burned through more than half of the people on his list, and while they were gaining all the money they'd need for a future without instability, Broderick had never noticed if his actions were having an effect on the most important person closest to him. Had he really been so caught up that he'd gone blind to Neville's own personal needs?

"Forgive me," Broderick said. "I have allowed my thoughts regarding our future together to disrupt what truly matters. If what you want is for me to stop, then I will honor your request."

Wondrous Master | boyxboy | (alternate happy ending)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat