XXI - The Toll

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There was something about today that didn't feel right when Broderick awoke the next morning. He couldn't explain what it was, or describe the unsure feeling in his bones, but there was a change in the usual serenity he felt whenever he woke up for another day. Pushing it aside, he kissed Neville's forehead before getting up and threw on a clean pair of clothes and scrubbed his teeth. Broderick pondered on the dilemma following him as he got ready. In two days now, he'd be without a job if he couldn't find another, but before such worry could burden him any longer, Broderick went down into the cellar of the house.

There he kept the chest holding the guinea he'd come by during his murderous sprees, and when he unlatched the lid, he inspected the amount left over. Though he tried not to rely on it anymore given his job, the only times he actually used the coin inside was when Neville wanted something special; new clothes, books, journals to write in, or specific food items that they couldn't grow or come by here at their home. So there was still a decent amount left over, enough to at least last them a good few months what with taxes and their basic human needs. With this in mind, Broderick locked up the chest again and headed back upstairs.

As long as he could find another source of income in a good amount of time, he and Neville would be alright with what they had.

With a few minutes to spare before he left for the day, Broderick went back into the bedroom and sat down beside Neville. The boy was awake like always when Broderick made his morning departure, and when he sat up, he found comfort against the older boy's chest. "I will be here when you get back," Neville said wearily. "You won't have to come looking for me like last night."

"Alright," Broderick nodded, and he kissed the other boy's forehead again. "You frightened me before when I couldn't find you in the house. After I am done with work, how about I bring you something nice from the city? Perhaps you would like another book, or a sweet from the bakery, a fancy hat?"

Neville giggled like an amused child, "What on earth would I do with a fancy hat?"

"Wear it?" Broderick laughed as well.

"Hmm," Neville thought a moment then, thinking up what he could possibly desire so much from the city's market. "Bring me a pie? Apple! I'd like that very much, or..." he suggested slyly, "...you could stay away from your last day at work and we could travel together for a nice sweet from the bakery. I would like that more than anything. To have you stay."

"It will be just one more day," Broderick said, "Though we have a good amount for ourselves once the ship leaves, it would be nice to have just a little more to add to it." When Neville sighed dejectedly, the twenty-year-old took the other boy's hand in his and kissed the back of it. "Just one more day, love, that is all. I will bring your apple pie, and anything else you desire, just...don't be upset with me."

"How can I?" Neville assured, "You work so hard."

With that settled, Broderick rose from the bed and offered a parting kiss before leaving the bedroom. "I will see you this evening, love. Do not fret."

Figuring it would be just as hot on this day as it'd been on the other, Broderick left behind his coat again and headed out, closing the front door behind him. His boots crunched into the dry dirt when he stepped into the yard. It was still dark and the sun wasn't due for another hour or so. His eyes adjusted to the darkness rather quickly, and when he made to vanished into the arched trees leading outside the gate, he turned when he heard the door to the house creak open.

Neville rushed out for him as though a fire had started at his feet, and when Broderick opened his mouth to ask what the problem was, he was bombarded suddenly when the boy buried himself into his lover's arms. Nearly knocked over from the collision, Broderick stumbled and steadied his footing before he could completely lose his balance.

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