XII - Doorways

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This wasn't good.

This wasn't good at all.

Frozen with dread as Lord Stanley continued on into the manor, Broderick nearly found himself shivering at the idea of his father catching him in the position he'd been in. The Young Master wasn't a fool to this world. He knew greatly of the consequences that could befall a man who sought affections from another of the same sex. In this time, there was only one punishment for a crime such as this, and to think of the possibilities of being dragged away and hanged caused Broderick to unconsciously reach for Neville's hand. Throat dry from what to expect, he met the scared eyes of the boy beside him. They'd spent so much time fawning over one another these past days, that neither of them ever pondered over what could happen if they were caught having such a connection.

Although they slept in each other's arms under the dark of night, shared kisses of intimacy behind closed doors and within the solitude of empty rooms, they hadn't thought much further than easy ways to hide. Romani and Luna didn't know the full extent of their closeness, but Broderick was well-versed with the love those women held for him, so there was no reason for him to duck from their eyes. But this world they lived in, it was dangerous for people like them, and Broderick's only worry now was if his father could completely turn his back on one of his children.

"Don't worry," the Young Master wanted to assure the boy beside him, never wanting him to have a reason to fear so long as he was around. "Stay here for now, and I will go speak with him."

Neville shook his head, tugging Broderick's hand with him as he took backward steps. "We cannot stay here," he nearly cried. "We must go. Anywhere. Anywhere but here!"

Broderick stopped Neville, pulling the boy into an embrace to keep him from shaking. "Give me a chance to speak with him. If there is the slightest chance he will not threaten me then I have to take it. I cannot leave my little brother here like this, nor can I take him with us if we disappeared. He is far too ill to be moving about the country."

Feeling as Neville's body quaked against his own, the Young Master took a step back, looking down into the boy's eyes. "I promise no harm will come to you. Trust me. Do you trust me?"

Hands taken by warmth, Neville looked down at his fingers intertwined with Broderick's, and when he nodded they were released. He'd never wanted to run after someone so bad when the Young Master turned and started out of the horse stable, and with each step, Neville couldn't escape the dismay in thoughts of the unknown. He wanted to know what would happen before Broderick was too far from him, to discuss the penalty that would be lashed out on them both. He didn't know Lord Stanley Thorne as well as his son, but to imagine a noble, a lord having pity for something as this, Neville thought it highly unlikely.

Broderick's heart was pounding like a hammer in his chest when he entered the manor. He pushed the dark curls of his hair back with a hand, pausing for a few seconds to gather himself. He'd seen his father turn into the corridor leading to the stairs and his quick pace was angry. Hurriedly, Broderick went for the stairs as well. "Father," he called up to him, catching the man midway. The stairs always wore the man out before reaching the third floor. "Father, please. We must talk about this. What you saw between Neville and I, it was — it was a mistake I did not mean to–."

Lord Stanley stopped at the top of the stairs of the third floor, glaring up at his middle born son. "You seek to tell me having another boy wrapped up in your arms, with your tongue down his throat was a mistake? Oh, you stupid, stupid child, I could have you both tossed to the hounds and from my home. Committing such acts on my property..." He started off again when he stepped around Broderick, getting closer and closer to him and his wife's bedroom. "You know what I must do now, don't you, Broderick?"

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