XX - Two Curious Cats

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Broderick hadn't had a day off since becoming a member of Captain August's crew. The job had gotten harder as the weeks went by, and every day he found himself a little sorer than the one before. And today was no different. It was spring here in Banemount now, and Broderick had never experienced such a brutal heat wave like today. Lugging a heavy crate over his shoulder, Broderick was dressed in just trousers and boots, most of the crew having left behind their shirts because of the heat and sweat drenching their bodies. He moved down the ramp, following Azazel who seemed to be the only one not complaining about the strain of today. Then again, he hardly ever spoke anyway.

Pushing back his matted curls from his forehead, Broderick set the crate down on top of Azazel's and moved along to get the next one. Even though he still went by the name given to him at birth, everything around him, from the people, to the city, it all drew him further and further away from the boy he once was. Now Broderick Thorne was a hard-working man who put time and a whole lot of effort into earning what he had today. He was grown, had hair on his chest, and carried himself with pride for all he did to provide for himself and Neville. From time to time he even took up a few rounds of gambling at the parlor hidden away in the alley. It was called Reynolds, he discovered, and he'd become quite accustomed to a few of the folks that took shelter in such a place. So, all in all, money was good for him and Neville.

As well as their own secrecy.

Every day that Broderick woke up with Neville in his arms, the more secure he felt their lives would always be, and though others would surely refer to them as sinners, Broderick took it as a blessing that he and Neville have been able to live this life of their own. Uninterrupted and comfortable in the little world they called theirs.

Following behind Azazel back onto the ship they were unloading, Broderick stopped when he heard the call of his name, raising his forearm just above his eyes to shield the blinding sun. He found George coming up the ramp after him. The young man was in pale tan trousers and an open vest with no shirt beneath it. There were sweat stains on the thin fabric, and his bushy beard puffed out from his hidden jawline, blond muddled hair tied back. "Oi, mate," he said, "Finn and me was wondering if you were up for drinks after we're let loose. After all this time, you still haven't taken a night out with us, and we been buggin' you for weeks. Why not just a few?"

It was true, Broderick was avoiding their friendly attempts. Not that there was anything wrong with Finn and George, but at the end of each day, Broderick just wanted to get home to a nice meal, and the love of his life. He hadn't friends in the city given his will to maintain an antisocial preference, and while he never took the time to explore Banemount and its people aside from gambling in Reynolds, and speaking with his shipmates from time to time, Broderick liked not having the burden of putting on a falsified attitude. In short, Broderick didn't mind not having friends. He was happy with the quiet life he'd been able to build here with Neville.

But...maybe tonight could change. Just once.

"One drink," Broderick said, "You and Finn can take me out for one drink."

"It's about damn time," George said, fanning the heat from his vest. "After we've all finished here for the day, you'll ride with us back to the village and we'll fix you up a good one!"

Broderick just nodded and got back to work, and after a couple more hours stuck under the sun, Captain August's ship was back in the port of Banemount and everyone was given their pay for the day. As Broderick waited beside Azazel like he always did, he watched Simon make his way around with the sacks of coin to hand off. When he was given his pay, before he could thank the man and walk away, Simon gave him an order to stick around. Apparently there was a piece of information he wanted to hand off before Broderick hurried away like he usually did at the end of each work day.

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