* NEW* XXII - Unrest

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The sun was on its way down by the time Broderick finally picked out which hat he would give to Neville. The shop owner placed it in a nice-looking box with a ribbon tied around it, and since he already had the apple pie with him as well, Broderick thanked the shop owner and paid them before leaving. Outside, he looked towards the horizon. It'd taken just a bit longer than he thought it would to pick a mere hat from the shop, but he was sure Neville would like the one he'd gotten. It was a light tannish color with a visor all around, and a white silk bow was tied around the top, as well as two light blue feathers stuck to the side.

When he approached his horse that was secured to a railing outside along the street, Broderick placed the boxes he'd purchased on the front bench and stepped up. With the reins in hand, he started down the stone streets of Banemount. The streets weren't as busy as they usually were, but with the sun going down, and stores getting ready to close, it was understandable. After all, it made maneuvering through the city easier than it would be during the hectic hours of the day. Though he hadn't a way to conceal himself from the eyes of others, he wanted to keep his head down. Since he'd missed work the last day Captain August's ship would be in the ports of Banemount, he didn't want to be questioned by any members of the crew that could be wandering about.

He didn't regret not going, especially not after the day he'd spent with Neville. The days they had to spend hours together were rare, and since there was nothing he'd have been missing out on at the docks, being able to have a comfortable day at home was something he appreciated.

"Abandoning the ship early, aye?"

Broderick turned his gaze into an alleyway off to his right. Simon was standing there leaning up against the brick wall of the furniture shop topping Reynolds Parlor. The man was either making his way to or from it. Broderick stalled the horse there for a moment, and said, "I did not see the point in attending a final day."

"I see," Simon hummed, "Guess you, Finn, and George had the same idea. However, I did find it odd not to find Finn and George at the docks this morning. Those two drunks never miss a day, and since they'll be traveling along with the Captain in the early morning, it was strange to not see them show up. If they're not onboard tonight, they'll be left behind."

"Well, that's none of my concern," Broderick said. "If you will excuse me, I must return home. I am expected."

Simon smiled kindly to the twenty-year-old, "Alright, hope your night goes well, then."

Getting a move on again, Broderick continued out into the country after he was out of the city. As the sun set more and more in the west, the world became darker with the arrival of nightfall. The entire time he'd been in search of the pie and hat, Broderick was consumed with thoughts of how he'd spend the next couple days or the next month. Thinking of all the time he'd spent under Captain August, something he wanted to avoid when getting another job was the long hours. He was always very aware that the common life wasn't something so easily lived, and now that he knew that first hand, he wished there was a way to make a decent living without having to sacrifice his entire day just to make a few shillings.

That dark side of Broderick always remembered the times when he'd killed for the guinea he had before. Although those blood drenched visions still continued to haunt his mind, the money was truly worth it. The rational side he tried to listen to would always talk him out of taking those risks again. He'd been lucky those times before that he hadn't wound up captured by authorities for the crimes he'd committed. Those people he'd stolen life from, they had been monsters, deserved every bit of his rage, but Broderick believed nothing would ever prove that he hadn't been a monster as well. Those people had been disgusting rapists, the likes worthy enough for a hell-bound sentence in the afterlife, but with all Broderick had done, did that mean he would join them some day when his life was over?

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