I-i got called in as a last minute

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Tiffany's pov

I am talking to my kidnapper through the ear piece the whole way till I get to school, I still feel bad calling him kidnapper so I decided to ask his name "i feel bad just calling you kidnapper so can I maybe know your name at least?, since I can't see your face yet" I ask him as I start grabbing stuff out of my locker "dominik" he says as I chuckle "I've always liked the name dominik" I say and it's like I can feel him smiling from ear to ear.

"Well well well, look who it is girls talking to yourself again villainy tiffany" I hear stacy mcallister say from behind me as I shut my locker "stacy not now not today, I am not in the mood I had a very rough morning alright, so why don't you take your little trolls and fly away on your broom stick you witch or should I say bitch?" I ask as I hear dominik in my ear piece dying laughing, "good one hermosa" I hear him say as I start to walk away but she and her friends grab me dragging me into the bathroom, "get off let me go!" I say struggling but it's three against one.

They throw me down to the floor and start kicking me over and over, I whine rolling on the floor in pain as they pick me up slamming my head into one of the stall door, I fall backwards feeling my nose bleed as I start to cry "look at you so damn pathetic" stacy says getting in my face "let's drown her in the toilet at least she'll smell better after" she says picking me up dragging me to one of the toilets as she starts trying to shove my head in the toilet, but I fight against her with all of my strength I had left.

But it isn't working I am almost really close to the toilet so I turn to her hand biting down on one of her fingers really hard, "ouch!" she yells dropping me as I fall backwards "you stupid whore" she says angrily as she punches me in the face making me collapse in pain, I hear her and her friends laugh as they walk out of the bathroom "tiffany tiffany are you alright my love?" I hear dominik ask in concern as I cough a bit "I'm fine this happens all the time" I say as I groan standing up dusting myself off heading to class.

Dominik's pov

I breath heavily in anger when I hear her say that, I swear whoever this stupid girl amd her friends are one of these days I'm gonna make them pay, and make them regret ever laying a single finger on my precious girl who do they think they are, I am gonna have a talk about this with tiffany when i see her later on cause I gotta know who they are and who that boy that yelled at her beforehand is, cause they are so dead when I can get my hands on them I can promise you that.

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