Court sentencing part 2

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Tiffany's pov

"Do you somminly swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth" the judge asks me "I do" I say placing my hand down as I sit at the stands, "so tiffany dominik here kidnapped you, is that correct?" the judge asks me as I sigh "yes your honor" I say looking at them "were you scared? did you think you were gonna die" they ask as I nod my head, "I was scared at first, but I fell in love with him, and I felt safe and protected with him" I say looking at dominik smiling, " what do you mean you felt safe and protected" the judge asks as I look at my parents and blake who are glaring at me as to say, you better keep your mouth shut, but the time for that is over it's time to be free.

"My parents are abusive to me mentally and physically, along with blake they made me get into a relationship with him when I was in middle school, all the way through high school and blake would sexual assault me and rape me and I had to just lay there and take it" I say looking directly at them "she's lying!" blake shouts standing up "order order" the judge says making blake sit back down "so what your saying tiffany is that you were abused and sexual assaulted?" They ask as I nod my head "yes your honor" I say as blake grips his hair, "do you know what stockholm syndrome is?" they ask as I sigh fixing my hair "yes your honor, but it's not like that, I love dominik more then he makes me feel alive he makes me happy,  he treats like a human being amd he makes me feel loved and cherished" I say looking at him as he blows me a kiss "so please please your honor let him go don't take him away from me" I say looking at the judge as he sits there and thinks for a while.

"Well even though what he did is a crime, I can see how much these two love amd need each other" the judge says making me smile "WHAT!?" My parents amd blake say standing up looking at thd judge like they are talking crazy "you can't be serious judge" my dad says "one more word put of any of you, I'll hold you all in contempt are we clear?" the judge asks making them go silent and sit down "we here by find the defendant dominik mysterio, not guilty and he shall be released immediately" the judge says making it official "case closed" they say as the police officers uncuff dominik letting him go.

"No no no, NOOOO" my mom dad amd blake yell in anger as I shreik in excitement running to dominik jumping into his arms kissing him, "I told you I'd come back, snd not going anywhere away from you again" he says running his fingers through my hair, "please don't, god I love you so much" I say kissing him again holding him tightly, "I can't believe this" my mom says as I just ignore her and my dad amd blake walking out either dominik, "let's go home, and get you put of these jail clothes" I say wrapping my arm around him.

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