Search and No Rescue

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    After Kieran left, I lied on the floor for what felt like hours. I held my side hard enough to numb away the pain, my face had bled from when he hit me and I knew I would have some ugly bruises on my face after a couple of days.

When I was able to get up I went to the bathroom and showered everything away. I looked in the mirror and saw a greenish bruise around my eye beginning to form, my left cheekbone was swollen and bruising quickly, my bottom lip was bruised only slightly and my right jaw had begun to bruise. And of course the massive bruises on my stomach that hurt so much it made me want to puke.

    Now, I looked around the house for cameras. There was only one problem, I couldn't find any of them. These cameras were hidden within the walls and were so small I couldn't see them unless it was completely dark and Kieran was in charge of all the lights, electricity, he had control over everything.

The only cameras I knew were the ones in the hall and room but I didn't know where the other cameras were. It was starting to get annoying.

    "Ugh!" I groaned as I plopped down on the couch, shutting my eyes.

    I guess why he doesn't trust me but this is a bit extreme.

    I opened my eyes, "This is stupid,".

    Even if I found the cameras it would make no difference, I could try and take them out but Kieran would know in an instant and that would result in another mess I personally didn't feel like handling. I sighed and lifted my head up, my eyes wandering the penthouse.

    There has to be at least one in every corner and every angle that could have a blindspot. Blindspot. That's right. That's what I could do, find the hidden spot.

    I stood up normally and strolled through the house, pretending to get water and snacks as my eyes looked around like a detector. I closed the fridge and looked up to find a red dot flashing in the corner. There's one. I pretended I didn't notice anything and walked out of the kitchen to search for more.

    This went on for forever. But after hours of looking endlessly and needing to take breaks so I didn't look suspicious I eventually found 9 cameras.

The 10th one is nowhere to be seen. There were 2 in the living room, 2 in the kitchen, 3 in the room, 2 in the hallway. Basically wherever I went there was a camera watching me and so far there was no blindspot.

    Where is the last camera?

    I sat down on the couch holding my legs to my body, I leaned my head against the cushion and furrowed my eyebrows. This is giving me a headache. I looked everywhere. At least he was decent enough to not put a camera inside the bathroom. All ideas of where the last camera could be turned out false, there was no other place inside this maze for the camera to be.

    I buried my face into the couch as I layed back, shutting my eyes. My head hurt aggressively, I'm tired, my body hurt and I was getting drained. Slowly my breath had become the calmest it's been for the first time while being here, my heart relaxed from all the racing it had done, and my mind was able to clear for a split second as I began to drift into sleep.
    I'm glad Kieran's gone. Even if it's not for a long time.



    Purple, pink, green, blue, orange, red. Over and over again. The neon color pallet flashed inside the pitch black room illuminating the room every other second. I extended my hand and watched the floor as I let the flashing lights guide me to wherever the path went. Muffle noises came from ahead and soon enough I was sucked into the floor of Purple Paradise.

    I made it out. I made it out!

    The room was foggier than normal, smoke clouding my eyes and the room distorting uncomfortably. I looked around at the people drinking, dancing and laughing. I turned to the bar and saw Camile. I let out a gasp and ran to her practically breaking the small door of the backbar down.

    "Camile!" I yelled.

    She smiled at the customer and walked away from me. I furrowed my eyebrows and followed behind her.

    "Camile!" I screamed but she never flinched at the sound of my voice, "CAMILE!".

    I reached out to grab her but I couldn't. My hand stopped right beside her, not giving me a chance to hold her. Camile walked right past me. I stared at my hand, my breath hitching and turning raspy, I turned around and ran after her.

    "Please, Camile," I begged, "Please listen to me. Help me Camile, I need your help,".

    Camile laughed with her customer.

    I looked back between them, "CAMILE! PLEASE! Don't listen to them! Listen to me! Why aren't you listening!? I'm right here!".

    She looked down as if she was staring at me but smiled and walked away. I tried to chase after her but she disappeared into thin air. I turned around panicked, trying to find anyone to help me and I went to every person in this club begging for help. No one saw me, no one heard me. I was invisible.

    "Oh god," I gasped, "Oh god, no,,".

    "Are you okay?" I heard someone say.

    I followed the voice and there was Meek standing in the distance weirdly watching me. I let out a heavy sigh and ran into his arms letting my tears rush out my eyes as I thought I'd never find help.
    Meek didn't hold me, he pushed me off.

    "Meek?" I questioned.

    He furrowed his eyebrows at me and turned to the side, I followed his eyes and saw Kieran watching me with the same mischievous smile that meant no good.

    I turned back to Meek, "No, no no no. Meek please listen to me, he kidnapped me and has me held up in a penthouse. You have to help me, please help me,".

    He stepped back, "I don't know what you're talking about,".

    "Meek!" I screamed, "I've been kidnapped!".

    "I don't even know you," He said as he walked away.

    "What..?" I huffed, "No, Meek please,".

    I stepped to chase after him but my arm was yanked back harshly, I turned around and looked up at the person's body only to find Kieran's face glaring down on me. Looking at me like a lost pet. I hyperventilated uncontrollably. His lips turned into a grin full of mischief and devilish intentions, he pulled my frozen body closer. A solo tear dropped down my face.

    Kieran leaned into my ear, "No one can help you Suriah,".

    I turned my head slowly.

    "Only I can help you now," Kieran whispered, " don't exist anymore,".


    I jumped up from the couch, sweat rolling down my face, traces of tears around my eyes, my heart was pounding, my breath was uncontrolled as I was fighting for air. I huffed out getting myself back together but my mind was still fresh from the very, very realistic dream. I closed my eyes and placed my face in my hands.

    It's just a dream.

    I lifted my head and pushed myself off the couch, tumbling up the stairs as a darkness crept behind me, nearly trying to consume my existence. I pushed the bedroom door open and charged for the closet. Before the darkness could catch me I shut the door and crawled into the farthest, smallest corner hugging myself.

    It's just a dream. A dream, that's it.

    In the dark closet I looked up trying to find comfort in the small space but there in the corner a red dot flashed. I paused my breathing but not my heart as I looked straight into the eye of the camera. It was here. The last one.
    I looked away and buried my face into my knees trying to hide even more.

    It was all just a dream. I'm still here. I still exist out there.
    Just a dream...a dream.

    I couldn't escape Kieran even in my dreams.

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