Kieran's Fate

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She wasn't eating. She wasn't sleeping. For fuck's sake, she wasn't doing anything, at all. It was a good thing to a certain extent. But when it got to this point where she's treating herself like shit, that's where I draw the line. I do appreciate her for not being a pain in the ass lately. The lack of food has her way more relaxed and I couldn't be more grateful.

"You've been staring at your phone lately," He said, I lifted my head and carelessly looked at him, "Something special?".

Cheng, leader and CEO of his family's enormous corporation located in Hong Kong and parts around east Asia. He has been learning the entrepreneur pathway since he could learn, top of his classes, still pursuing certain degrees but he'll get them regardless if he passes his classes or not and; he's very, very nosey.

I do international business with him for the benefit of my company and success, if someone else was in charge maybe I'd actually have a good time here in Hong Kong for once. As for now, I'd have to deal with Cheng's headache busybody.

"No," I answered.

"Then what has your attention?".

My lips twitched, "My dog,".

He smiled and poured two glasses of whiskey, "Adorable,".

I nodded my head and placed my phone back inside of my pocket. I have better things to do, checking on Suriah as one of them, but he won't get to the goddamn point. I sighed and stood up, taking the cup from his hand.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to get straight to business," I informed.

He chuckled and sipped on his drink, "This dog must be very important,".

"Separation anxiety," I corrected him bluntly.

"You or the dog?".

"The dog,".

He hummed. After talking about the "dog" for an unreasonably long time, we eventually got down to what I was actually there for. Sometimes Cheng would visit me and I'd go to him, we switched it around every once in a while. I managed to cut the cost percentage of pay here in Hong Kong and have him purchase more shares of some other companies I invested in. If I was able to get other associates to invest as well, I'd get a bigger cut of the final share.

About an hour after the meeting was supposed to end I was finally able to leave and head back to the house I was staying in. I excused the security from my room, threw my jacket off and sat down on the edge of the bed.

Sometimes I really question if I was meant to do shit like this.

I slid a hand down my face and pulled my phone out. I checked the cameras and when I checked the closet camera I could see Suriah hugging herself in the corner as she slept angelically. She's finally sleeping. I zoomed in as much as I could. She looked paler than before, smaller too. My lip twitched into a frown.

Maybe I should get her a maid to make sure she's taking care of herself.

This was irritating. I was irritated. I knew why I just didn't want to acknowledge why. It was inevitable, unfortunately. The annual charity party. Just attending would send thousands of dollars to the charity and I, unfortunately, was one of the highest prices attending this party. The only problem was Suriah, of course I'd normally leave her, but I kind of wanted to tease her a bit. Play with her.

I'd get her a really nice dress, hair and makeup done and then watch her panic around everyone around her. All the people she could ask for help. I wonder if she would be bold enough to ask for help...she's done it before but maybe she's finally learned what the consequences are.

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