I Can Be Bold Too

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An alarming drill erupted just outside the door, gradually getting louder and invading my sleep. What's that sound? I furrowed my eyebrows, forcing my heavy eyes to open. I blinked away the haziness and scanned the room. Based off the darkness in the room and the crack of light passing through the door, it was still early in the morning. I sat up sleepily and watched the door curiously, patiently waiting for that sound to come again and seconds later, came the drilling alongside voices. My eyes widened; I shot up to a foreign voice other  than Kieran's.

There's someone else in the house.

I threw the covers off and tiptoed to the door, practically half asleep. I pressed my face against the wall and listened to the faint muffled voices. I waited for the drill to start again and once the noise started up, I nudged the door open just enough to peek outside. Bright warm lights hit my half awake eyes, getting me to flinch back. I pushed through and focused my gaze. 

"With these you can watch wherever, whenever," They said.

"Do they move?" Kieran asked.

I squinted and tilted my head to the edge of the door. In the middle of the hallway, standing on a latter and playing around with something I wasn't able to make out- was a middle aged man. And Kieran with his back facing me. My heart skipped a beat just by looking at him, I picked at my lip and continued watching.

"Only about 40 degrees both ways," The man answered.

I furrowed my eyebrows together. What are they doing?

The man finished whatever he was doing and climbed down the ladder, I quickly glanced between him and Kieran before looking up at what the guy was working on. I clenched my jaw and leaned my head on the doorframe, doing what I can to get closer without being seen. No fucking way.

"How many will you install?" Kieran asked.

"About 10," he answered.

10 cameras?! I threw my head back and shut my eyes. Not even a second was sparred for me to process what was going on as their voices inched closer to the door, I opened my eyes and saw them walking towards the room. Quickly but quietly, I sprinted off the floor and jumped back in bed, making sure my breath was controlled. The door opened, illuminating the room, I closed my eyes and listened.

"What do you need these cameras for?" The man asked, "Just asking for a survey,".

Kieran walked further inside and adjusted the bedroom light on to a dim. His presence creeping right above me and I knew  his eyes watched me, eagerly waiting for me to make a mistake.

"I have a dog that doesn't really behave, so I'd like to keep my eye on them," He answered.

'Dog' my ass. There is no fucking dog.

"They are trouble makers sometimes aren't they," The man chuckled.

"Very," Kieran agreed with a grin I could perfectly picture.

"I won't wake them will I?" The man asked, referring to me.

"No," Kieran replied, "Not at all,".

God. The amount of self control I had in me right now was crazy. It took everything in me not to jump off the bed and beg bloody murder to the man. Either way, if I dared to do anything, Kieran would not take lightly to that and he'd most definitely kill the both of us. An uneasy shiver slid down my body. 

Kieran's stare intensified on my tense body. By the viciously low monotone in his voice, he wanted the installer gone. It seemed I was the only one able to take the hint. My heart slammed against my chest at each painful pump, my hands had become clammy, a bitter shiver bounced in my body and eyes flinched every other second.

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