Extra One

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A/N : After a fair amount of request for additional chapters on Dream and much thought/brainstorming- I did it. I decided to write Dream past the original ending; for those who requested it especially. It took me a while at first, but I have two extras I plan on publishing. Though, these extras will be out and cannon, I personally stop at the last chapter of the main storyline. Nonetheless , I hope you'll all enjoy these just as much as the main plot!


I winced at the sting from the disinfectant soaked cotton swab, instinctively jerking my head away. Goddamn. I grimaced at the cotton swab, internally flinching at the pain it would give me. My eyes shifted from the swab and peeked through my eyebrows, pitfully meeting Kieran's eyes. My lips pouted even more.

    "Oh come on," Kieran leaned forward on the coffee table in front of the chair I sat in. His reaching hand stopped by the abrupt smack I gave, "The quicker we get this over with, the less you'll have to endure it,".

    I groaned and slouched my shoulders, "I know. I know,".

    "Good," Kieran humbled. He continued to sting the cuts on my face as he cleaned them, leaving a numbing feeling through my face from all the cleaning.

    "Then again," he started, reaching for a new swab, "I wouldn't have to be doing this had you not left without telling me,".

    I lowered my gaze and stared into my lap, "I'm sorry,".

    Kieran paused for a second before wiping my face, "But I also shouldn't have reacted this way. I'm sorry too,".

    I furrowed my eyebrows. He's don't nothing wrong. If there's anything I despise, it's seeing Kieran upset or troubled. I scooted forward and brushed falling strands of hair from his eyes, looking deep into his hazel eyes that warmed the butterflies in my stomach.

    "You don't have anything to be sorry for," I told him, "I should've told you I was leaving, but...I wanted it to be a surprise,".

    Kieran collected the aid kit and blood stained cotton swabs as he stood up and made his way to the bathroom, flashing a grin on his face. "A surprise?".

    "Yeah! For our anniversary!" I exclaimed, slouching in the chair, unable to hold my smile back.

    He reappeared from the bathroom and adjusted the sleeves of his dress shirt on his way back to me. Kieran wiggled his eyebrows and leaned down, trapping me within the chair with his arms. I cocked my head at his capturing gaze.

    "Oh yeah?" He breathed. Instantly, the butterflies in my stomach fluttered.

    I chewed the inside of my lip, pushed myself out of my slouch and sat my arms on his wide shoulders. His hands slid up my arms and guided them around his neck with those charming eyes staying locked with my own. Then his hands made their way down my back, settling on my waist. He's such a tease.

    "Of course. After being together for two years, you deserve something nice, no?" I smiled.

    Kieran's grin grew with each word coming out of my mouth and soon enough, that stunning smile overcame his face. I found my heart beating quicker and quicker at his charm only I would ever see this way. This side of him was mine.

    I leaned closer to him, matching his teasing and connecting our foreheads, "Am I forgiven?".

    "Of course," He answered, pulling away and placing his cherry flavored lips I dreamt of every night on my own, "As long as I'm not put in a position to do this again,". Kieran traced over the fresh bruises.

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