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The sky was still dark, but beyond the darkness, small fluffs of snow falling slowly faintly lit the sky to a dark gray. I watched it pass by the window with Suriah sound asleep in my arms. Her body rose with every breath. The butterflies in my stomach only grew.
I looked down at the top of her head.

She's so warm.

I gently caressed her hair, pushing it away from her face and pulled the blanket up more. The house and the floors were heated but it did get cold occasionally. I snuck away from her and slowly got off the bed making my way downstairs to put breakfast together.
Chocolate pancakes sound nice today.

As I passed through the living room, I switched the TV on low volume. The news played in the background as I began making breakfast. Usually I never ate in the morning, just because I needed to be out of the house and at the company early every single time but ever since Suriah started to cook and bake more, she's got me into the habit of eating every meal of the day. Not to mention, she's gained all the weight she lost earlier and appeared healthier than ever.

"...and folks, lucky enough, Suriah Moon who went missing quite some time ago, has now been found and she's reported that she's going to be just fine. Ms. Moon had apparently gotten lost in one of the state's National Forests while on a trip with her friends," The female anchor said, instantly making me freeze.

The male anchor sighed, "Thank god she was okay,".

"I agree. All of the missing person reports have been dropped and she said she's going to be alright," said the female anchor.

My hand tightened around the whisk.

"Moving on, schools are...,".

I let out the chest aching breath I had been holding in the entire time Sruiah's story was being told, surprisingly enough the whole thing was about 2 minutes long but it felt like an entire goddamn hour. So, everything's dropped. I chuckled to myself, mixing the batter again.

Everythings coming together.

I finished breakfast, with some coffee and fruit. By the time I was finished it was around 7 in the morning, still dark outside with the winter clouds blocking any light trying to pry inside. And it would be like this all day, according to the news.
I picked up the plate I made for Suriah and headed back upstairs. I slowly pushed the door open, finding Suriah still asleep. I sighed and walked to the side of the bed, placing the plate on her nightstand and squatting down beside her.

She's so cute.

I caressed her cheek with the tip of my thumb causing her to nudge closer to my touch.

The blaring ringtone from my phone filled the room instantly, I quickly enough ran over to my phone and silenced it but wasn't quite ready to put the phone down. I read the name at the top of the screen over and over again. Ava.
I tossed my head back, groaning out quietly.

What now?

Over and over, Ava called nonstop. I sighed and looked over to Suriah still sleeping.
My eyes rolled to the back of my head as I answered the phone and walked out of the room.

"What has you calling so early in the morning?" I questioned.

"Kieran," She sniffled, I paused in my steps, "He...,".

My deadpanned expression focused on the nothingness before me as I could see exactly what she was trying to say to me. I closed my eyes and leaned back on my leg, lowering my head.

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