5. Owen (Lizzie's POV)

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5. Owen

I was surprised hearing that guy was 18. He looked so much older. I  thought he'd been held back or something.

I walked off to class, a little startled by the new fact. I mean, the  guy looked like he could snap me like a twig. He had to be at least  25. Right?

I shook it off as I walked into science. Mr. Mullbury? Mr. Myers? Mr.  Malone? Whatever his name was, he was handing out lots of flyers. I  sat down, practically by the front door, and tried to relax myself.

"Okay class, since we are doing biology this year, I thought it would  be interesting to do a blood typing for each of you."

I practically puked at his words.

I hate blood. It's so gross, and red, and sticky, and wet. I plain  hate it.

In fact, I can't remember the last time I bled.

 From the back of the room came the sound of a chair scraping  backwards and someone jumping up. "Blood typing?"

It was the pretty girl from the other day.

"Yes Miss Swan, we are blood typing today, now sit down."

"I think I'm gonna puke." she said.

"Sit Down!" Mr. M bellowed.

"We did blood typing at my old school. I puked all over the floor and  then I fainted when someone tried to drag me out into the hallway and  to the nurse." she said. "Please, please, can I leave?"

A guy sitting next to her stood up. "Let me bring her outside, please,  Mr. Miller." He nodded his head at the boy and let him drag the  shaking girl outside.

I faced back up front where Mr. Miller was explaining the test.

"I'm going to pair you up with partners. You are each going to prick  your finger, then put the blood on the sample card. This is just a practice, tomorrow we will be doing the real thing, so be prepared."

"Now," he said, handing out thick packets to everyone, "Read over the guidlines, the how to type section, and the results section."

We let out a collective groan. "With your pre-assigned partners."

He pulled a clipboard out of his desk and started rattling off names. 

"Donnoven with Tate, Malloy and Rosta, you two pair up since your  partners aren't here, Zulo and Finnigan, and Hudson and Cooper." I  looked around, trying to figure out who my partner, Cooper, was. It  didn't take long to find out.

A boy walked over and sat next to me.

"Hi, I'm Owen. You must be the girl who moved in right next to the  airport, right?"

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