11. Blood (Lizzie's POV)

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11. Blood

I watched the blood trickle down his chin, too petrified to scream or even cry out. He lunged at her again, his long canines biting into her neck. I watched the blood flow in a two pronged dribble down her neck, black in the moonlight. Her blonde hair was matted, clinging by the two bite marks on her neck. He dropped her lifeless body in the alley and walked away.

I grabbed the remote and shut off the TV.

There was nothing good on to watch.

I flopped back onto my pillows.

My day had been endless. My mind had been plauged by an endless loop of questions. Why me? What was with my blood?

I couldn't answer them.

It was a blip. I shouldn't be scared of a blip.

I was still shaking as I climbed under my covers. So warm and gentle on my skin. I wished I could curl up here and never, ever leave. That would be the best thing in the world.

But tomorrow I had to get up.

I sighed. Sometimes I wished that we hadn't moved. Then I would be on my bed, playing dice games with Carol, or chatting on the phone with Sammy. Just doing something.

I never wanted to be the friendless geek I was now.

I closed my eyes.

My dreams were filled with chaos. I was bleeding. Gallons of it sat around me. There were cuts all over me. Slashes on my cheeks, my neck, my arms, my legs, my back. I saw the dots welling out of them.

They weren't blood. Instead, they were a clear greenish color. The whole pool around me was this clear greenish color.

It was my blood.

I felt the sting of the cuts. They were like fire. I screamed as he dove in for more.

There was fire and fury in his eyes. He ripped my skin with his fingernails. Ten long, dragging lines.

"Your blood is no longer yours."

Then Owen grabbed the vial and let my blood trickle in.

I screamed and clawed and tried to push him away from me. But I was lightheaded and soaked in myself. His knees were covered in the liquid.

The black floor was slick with it.

I knew no one would come. The floor stretched on forever. No one could hear my screams.

I tried to stand up, to try and run. I was sliding, but I wasn't falling over. I stripped of my shoes and socks as I made it to the edge of the pool, then started running.

I could hear Owen pounding behind me. I heard a loud thud as he fell and the vial shattered. I kept running.

My feet were slick with sweat and blood, but the adrenaline buzzing through my veins forced me to run. To run as far and as hard as I possibly could.

Then I tripped. My knees banged the hard floor, and then the rest of me followed. The adrenaline buzz was gone, now replaced by dizzyness and pain and exhaustion.

I didn't get up.

I was cold, and in pain, and just sat there. I closed my eyes.

Slowly light filtered through them. I blinked, then rubbed my eyes. My back hurt. Somehow, durring my dream, I fallen onto the floor. My blankets lay in a tangled mess up on my bed.

I stood up and started making it.

I didn't even want to know where that dream came from. It was too horrific.

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