Chapter 3 - Sudden Realization

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Izuku: Speaking

6 years time skip (Izuku is 10 years old)

It's been 6 years since the Yagi family visited the quirk doctor. 6 years since the Yagi family was told that Izuku was 'Quirkless'. 6 years of neglect and bullying not only from people outside of his family but also from his family. His own flesh and blood. Bullying him for 6 whole years. After having his 3 summoned soldiers look out for him, Izuku was able to train his body with no one noticing from his scout, get nutrients from his chef and tend to his wound from his medic. But Izuku's life will turn around when he meets that one person. The person that will make Izuku's miserable life, a life where his so called family bullies and neglects him day in and day out. This has been the life of Izuku ever since he was 4 years old.

Class was about to end, students getting ready to leave. Izuku hoped it would end without much drama. He had hoped to go to the place where he called 'home' in peace and quiet, however, fate had other things planned out for Izuku. Fate had decided that Izuku's former friends would discover his notebooks about people's quirk.

Izumi: What's this? Hero Analysis for the future? You useless Deku! Do you still want to be a hero quirkless?!
Izuku(Fake stuttering): I-I d-d-do. I c-could be the f-f-first q-quirkless h-hero the w-world has e-ever s-seen.
Katsuki(Smirking): If you want to be a hero so badly, I know how you can get a quirk.

Izuku started getting hopeful. Not because there was a way to get a quirk because Izuku knows there isn't any other way to get a quirk besides getting the quirk from genetics. No Izuku was hopeful that his former sister and friends can change. Even a little change will be promising.

Izuku: R-really?! H-how?!
Katsuki(Laughing) Take a swan dive and hope for your next life.
Izuku(Blank face): So you guys really don't care about me huh. Was the first 4 years of my life all a fake?! Huh?!
Izumi: Who would care for a useless Deku like you? Huh?
Katsumi: You should stay out of our way from now on useless Deku!

The trio began to walk away from Izuku laughing as they finish crushing Izuku's dream of being a hero once and for all. Not knowing the damage they've done to Izuku. It was mostly physical damage. Izuku had prepared for this moment to an extent but he still was not as prepared as he would hoped to be. It still stung to know that they truly didn't care about him. That the relationship they once had before they received their quirks went downhill really fast.


A/N: Things from this point on is sped up so I can somewhat keep to the canon storyline.

We see Izuku walking a different way than he usually take to go home. On his way home, he went under a bridge. A bridge that will start the chain reaction that will change the Yagi family forever.

Izuku: 'I can't believe that they would actually hate him. I gave them several chances to redeem themselves but they haven't taken that opportunity.

Izuku's thoughts were interrupted when a manhole under the bridge suddenly exploded upwards shocking Izuku.

Sludge Villain: Ohh~ What do we have here? You will be a suitable body suit. If I knew All Might was going to be here, I would not have done crime in this city!
Izuku(Unfazed): So you're running away from All Might huh?
Sludge Villain(Annoyed): Yes! He's so troublesome I wish he wasn't here! Wait why am I monologuing to you!?
Izuku(Smiling): Because you're a human. Human needs to express themselves even if they are a villain.

As Izuku was getting the villain to monologue, he was preparing to catch the villain off guard while simultaneously looking for a weakness the villain may possess. The villain is seemly an all sludge like substance but the only thing that isn't sludge is the eyes. Izuku prepares to throw his bag at the villain's eyes when All Might appeared out of the same manhole the villain came from.

All Might(Smiling): Fear not! For I am here!
Izuku(Smirking): Yes I was stalling you. However, when I said villains have to express themselves, I wasn't lying. You are a human being.
All Might: Detroit Smash! Thank you young man for stalling this evil doer from causing any harm towards the citizens of Musutafu!
Izuku(Excited): Wait! Before you go, you sign my notebook and answer one question. A simple question?
All Might: Of course young man. *Signs notebook* Now what is your question.
Izuku: Can a quirkless person become a hero!?
All Might(Frowning): 'You just had to ask this question son?' Young man, I don't believe a quirkless person can become a hero. They'll only get in the way of other professional heroes.

Izuku watched as his 'Idol' fly away not before crushing his dream. If All Might thought that Izuku couldn't be a hero, Izuku was going to make him regret his wordings.


After meeting with All Might, Izuku had only one thing in his mind.
Izuku: 'All Might is going to regret his decision to try and crush my dream. I have far more power than you could ever imagine.'

Izuku stumbles upon a scene. The same villain that All Might had captured was causing trouble in town. The sludge villain successfully got a hostage. The person that's being held hostage is none other than Katsuki Bakugou.

Izuku: 'I could summon certain types of soldiers but I don't want my quirk to be revealed before I get to UA. I'll just use the hand to hand combat technique I learned from the drill instructors.'
Sludge Villain: It's you again! You won't get away this time!
Bystanders: What is that kid doing!? He's going to get himself killed! Someone stop him!

Izuku ran towards the villain and threw his backpack in the villain's eyes. Blinding the villain. Wasting no time, picking up loose debris scattered on the floor and chucking those at the villain also. Everyone was shocked to see this kid, a kid who seemingly used no quirks, defeat the villain when the pro heroes on scene did nothing to help the hostage situation or move to stop the young boy from attacking the villain. After Katsuki got praised while Izuku got scolded, Izuku decided to go home. That was, until, he heard All Might's voice in an alley way. Curious as to why All Might is in an alley way.

All Might: Young Yagi, Young Bakugous you may be wondering why I asked you to follow me. That is because I am- *Coughs blood* your father!
Izumi: Dad!? You're All Might!?
Izuku: 'Dad!?'
All Might: Yes I am. Now the reason why I asked you to come here is to offer you my quirk. I find you worthy of wielding my quirk!
Izumi: Wait what about Izuku? He's quirkless, shouldn't he get your quirk?
All Might: No he doesn't have the heart of a hero. He recklessly attacked a villain without regards to Katsuki or the citizens.
Katsuki: See! Even All Might thinks Izuku can't be a damn hero!
All Might: So do you accept this quirk? You can protect Izuku. We all know he needs protection!
Izumi: I see, then, I accept!
All Might: Good! Now- *Buffing up* EAT THIS!
Trio: Eh?
Izuku was laughing internally at Izumi for having to eat her father's hair.

Scene Close

Izumi gets One for All but can't get a hang of it.

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