Chapter 2 - back to grinding

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Ray felt the weight of the duvet over her body as she slowly transitions into waking up from her slumber. She fluttered her eyes open as the sun hit her tan face. Another great day, it feels like. She smiled at the thought.

She sat up when she heard muttering in the living room which made her prepare for the day. She took a shower and wore her usual gray corset, Gucci belt, black jeans, and harness. She wore heeled boots instead of the flat ones.

Ray saw two standing figures in the living room when she opened her bedroom door. It was Vinny and Flippy, so she greeted them. "Good morning boys!"

They both looked at the cheerful lady who just woke up. "Good morning, my dear! What did you dream of that made you so bubbly in the morning?" Vinny laughed greeting her.

"I didn't dream of anything, Vinny. I'm just excited to go into little adventures today with my new car!" Ray said with a huge grin on her face. "What are you up to today? Got any plans?"

"Vinny and I were just talking about how much materials we would be needing for the next batch of thermite to push." Flippy said. "We just bought five thousand materials and we are already out of plastic and aluminum."

Ray didn't know much about gathering materials and making thermite because she only receives packages from Vinny or Flippy. She only knows that it is a boring task because Jaylen told her when he was converting her NSX. "What can I do to help? I don't really have plans right now." She asked innocently.

The boys looked at her surprised when she asked them. "Well, you can go and do some sanitation runs or chop cars." Flippy hesitantly informed her.

"If you do get materials, just call me, Ray. I'll buy them off of you." Vinny informed her.

"Okay! I will do that. I'll see you later boys!" Ray exited the apartment without inquiring further. She was just excited with the thought of working and earning money again after laying low to avoid getting caught.

She took out the NSX from the garage and drove to Benny's to get it fixed. She checked her phone for messages and was about to twat to let people know that she was awake but saw Kitty's twat. @Kitty_Dream: Got my new car with my boyfie's help ;). There was a photo attached and it was a cute pink two-seater at the Tuner Shop. Ray was excited about it and drove all the way down to the docks. She pulled up on the parking space when she saw Kitty and other people.

"Kitty!" Ray yelled, getting out of her car and running to her.

"Ray?" The black-haired girl turned around with surprise on her face. "It's so great to see you! It's been a while!" They gave each other a warm sisterly love.

"I know right? It has been a while!" Ray smiled. "I saw your twat that you got a new car! It's really cute!"

Kitty was happy to hear the compliment. "It is really cute, right? We should race again sometime!" She exclaimed.

"I am so down for a race! We should get the DNF crew together again. By the way, I also have a new car." Ray bragged showing her new car to Kitty.

"Oh my gosh, Ray! This is so amazing! It really suits you a lot!" Ray smiled with that comment. Before she could respond to Kitty, they hear a car speeding towards the Tuner Shop and customers are leaving. They both turned around to see Tony Corleone walking towards them.

"'Sup Ray! 'Sup Kitty!" Tony nodded at the ladies as greetings.

"Hi Tony!" They said in unison.

"Who's NSX is this? It's pretty dope! I heard from Raymond that he got smoked by this beast in the race last night." He stepped closer to the car, admiring its beauty. Raymond talked about the race last night? Curious.

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