Chapter 3 - sneaking out

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The cubby was pretty quiet as it was still dawn. Randy went outside his apartment to do his morning exercise. He started warming up and proceeded to jogging around Little Seoul. He could see some of Street Team and Hydra grinding, selling weed and cocaine around their block.

Randy returns to the cubby to open the Bullet Club and to get ready for a meeting at Dodo for the day. To his surprise, he sees a sneaking Ray coming out of Vinny's apartment. Where is this girl going to?

She proceeded to her car and drove off smiling. Randy's curiosity bugged him because he has never seen her that happy around him, it was a weird feeling for him.

He got out of his thoughts when someone called to him. He looks up to see who and sees Ramee, who was leaving his apartment.

"Randy? You good, bro?" He asked with worry in his voice. "It's way too early for you to be in a bad mood."

Randy laughed. "I'm all good, Ramee. I just was thinking about the meeting today." He tried covering it up.

"Oh shit, yeah. You have a meeting at Dodo today. I also have to go to the Gallery because apparently there are new art pieces arriving today." Ramee said while looking at his phone. "I'll see you later, bro. Hit me up if you want to do a boost or something."

Randy nodded and they split ways. He went in his apartments and took a shower. He wore his Dodo Logistics jersey and grey jogger pants. He fixes his hair and went to his garage to get the Lexus.

The whole car ride all that Randy could think about was the image of Ray smiling. Why was she being sneaky? Why was she smiling like that? Who is she meeting? Why did she look so beautiful smiling like that? He paused for a while. Wait, did I just really say that she was beautiful?

He brushed the thoughts he just thought of as he reached Dodo Logistics. He parked his car and went inside. Focus Randy Bullet. You are a businessman right now. He reminded himself.

He proceeds to the meeting room which was already full of the employees. Randy greeted everyone with a nod and sat in his chair.

"Good morning everyone. I assume that everyone is present already so let's get into the agenda." He started.

The whole meeting went smoothly as he busied himself with the business. He decided to return to the cubby and hit Ramee up to do some jobs together. Before he could call him, his phone rang and saw Ramee's name as the caller ID. Talk about timing. "Yo Ramee, what's up?" He answered.

"Randy, do you know if Ray has a house up at Vinewood?" Ramee started asking.

Randy's eyes furrowed with the question. "I don't think so. She did mention that she wanted to buy an apartment. Why?"

"Oh, just nothing." Ramee sighed. "Anyways, are you done with the meeting now? I just got an A+ boost so maybe you, me Taco, and maybe Wayne could do it."

"Hell yeah. I'm on my way back to the cubby now." Randy said before hanging up. Is she meeting someone at Vinewood?

Randy pulls up at the cubby and got changed. He linked up with the boys and started with the boost. The car was parked near Vinewood and what Ramee said in the call popped back in Randy's head which made him mess up the hack.

"Damn it!" He exclaimed.

The boys worriedly looked at him. "You good, Randy?" Wayne asked.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before answering. "Yeah, I'm all good. Taco, could you do the hacks instead?"

He passed the hacking device to Taco before walking away from the group to take get some fresh air. He didn't notice that Ramee was beside him when he was walking away.

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