Chapter 11

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i changed the picrews again i just forgot to mention it last chapter and it's too late to go back now and change it

also someone lmk which ships you like between gem, pi, aqua, and cap. no gem x cap or pi x aqua, but the other ship combos work. no gem x cap bc that's in my other zodiac book (it's currently deleted but im rewriting it... kinda) and no aqua x pi bc they're basically sisters. so either gem x pi and cap x aqua OR gem x aqua and pi x cap

lmk which one you like the most

also i'm not gonna tell you which ship i choose i'm just going to incorporate it into the story and you'll guess for yourselves

also forgive me if the last section of this chapter's really dramatic for no reason i just watched love victor season 3 and theyre dramatic af so my writing might be dramatic af too

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Leo's driving me fucking insane, Cancer thought as she was lying down on her bed, facing the ceiling. The other day, Leo decided it would be okay to lie in bed next to her. Like right next to her. So close that if they turned their heads facing each other, their noses would touch.

Cancer had to resist the urge of smelling the pillow Leo's head lied a few days ago. THAT'S CREEPY, WEIRDO!!!

She tried putting music on to distract herself, but it was no use. Leo overtook her mind. "Stop being so gay," Cancer said to herself. That didn't work, obviously. To be fair, listening to Girl in Red probably didn't help. "She's way out of your league. You're lucky she's even your friend. Continue being gay but stop liking her." That didn't work either. She groaned and closed her eyes.

She must've fallen asleep because next thing she knew, she was being shaken and it looked way darker than she remembered. "Wake up, sleepyhead," Leo said.

Cancer groaned and rolled onto the side facing away from Leo. "5 more minutes," she mumbled and put the other pillow on her face.

"Come on, Candy," Leo said, sitting on the bed where she last lay. "It's 8 PM. You haven't had your dinner yet." Cancer grumbled in response. Leo sighed. "Fine. Sleep or whatever. I'll wake you when I finish making your dinner." Cancer didn't reply and Leo got up and went to the kitchen. When she finished, she came back and shook Cancer awake again. "Okay Sweetie, here's your food."

Cancer slowly opened her eyes and sat up. Leo made her favorite. She devoured the food, not realizing how hungry she was until she started eating. As she ate, Leo played with Cancer's hair. Stop doing this to me.


I will succeed this time.

Taurus, Cap, Sag, Aqua, and Pisces were playing hide and seek. No one knew how they got to that point, but they did somehow. Currently, Cap was seeking. Taurus was always the first one out, so he was determined not to be this time.

"Taurus!" Cap yelled.

That trick won't work on me this time! Taurus thought. Because he was such a dumbass, last round he responded when Sag called out his name.

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