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⚠️Trigger warning: talk about making someone a sex slave⚠️

***Two days later***

Virgil stared at the creature in front of him in concern.

"That must hurt." He said. The creature winced and held his antler. "What happened to you anyways?"

"The villagers." The creature looked down at his hands as he continued making breakfast. Virgil looked at his own hands. He used to be one of those very same villagers four years ago.

"Not all are like them you know, if I were there I'd-." The creature laughed.

"You'd be killed!" He turned to face Virgil. "You are a prize everyone is trying to get to! You'd be dead in ten seconds if you were to even step foot in that village!"

"I...maybe in this form." Virgil sighed.

"You can shape shift too?" He asked.

"Well...not exactly." Virgil looked at the creature curiously. "Wait you can shapeshift?" He asked.

"Yep!" He suddenly stood in front of Virgil as a human and not a deer.

"Holy shit...Patton!?" Virgil covered his mouth in shock.

"Yep that's me! But how do you know me?" Patton asked.

"I-It's me...Virgil." Pattons eyes widened.

"Oh my gosh!" Patton ran over to him and pulled him into a tight hug. "How did-you were-YOU ARE HERE IN THE WOODS! ALIVE!" Virgil nodded.

"I-I was taken hostage by a witch." Virgil pulled his knees to his chest and looked at his talons and sighed. "He turned me into this, and released me."

"But why would he ever do that!!" Patton frowned. "You've done nothing to that witch! It isn't right of him to punish you! You were missing for four years! He took you away didn't he?" Virgil nodded.

"I was locked in a cage for four years, and he said that wasn't punishment enough..."

"I'm not going to let anything happen to you virgil, we'll find a way to reverse this I swear!" They hugged and Patton gently touched Virgil's horns. "You look so weird.." Virgil laughed.

"I looked weird either way..." Patton looked at Virgil's ripped up clothes and frowned.

"You've not been taken care of properly have you? You are so small..." Virgil laughed and fixed his shirt. "Here let me get better clothes, these ones are ripped apart and gross." Patton got Virgil into new clothes and Virgil spread his wings. Patton examined them with a frown. "Why a dragon..."

"Who knows, but if I ever see that witch again...I'm taking him down."


"I saw it!" Roman shouted suddenly. All the men turned to look at him. "You don't need to go ahead and behead it to try and win the throne! What is wrong with you all? He's an innocent creature!"

"I ordered it, you will listen to me or so help me I will banish you from this kingdom!" The king growled. "If any of you are to be king, you are to follow my orders and bring me that head of the dragon!" A man with a black hat stood off to the side watching the meeting with curious eyes. Rather eye, he had an eye patch covering one eye. Roman also noticed he had scars covering one side of his face.

"He was cursed!" Roman suddenly shouted. "He was a human in this village! You can't just send men out there to kill him like this!"

"Cursed? Oh please like that's even a thing." The man in the hat laughed out.

The truth inside the curse (Sanderssides fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now