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Logan collapsed to the ground with the sword pointing at his throat. The cuffs on his wrist blocking his magic somehow. He looked over at Remus who was being dragged away from running to his side.

"Now, king reed. You will be thrown in a cell and kept there until your execution. I hope you know you just made a fool of yourself trying to save this worthless prince." Logan was dragged out of the room and down to the cells. Tears filled his eyes as he was thrown down into one of them and locked in. He sat up and attempted to reach Janus.

"Stupid cuffs!" Tears flowed down his cheeks as he leaned against the wall. He could have saved Remus if it wasn't for the cuffs. He looked up at the ceiling. "Fuck what am I gonna do now..."


Remus stared in horror as they dragged Logan away. He was suddenly handcuffed and dragged over to the wall.

"He has a special pair of handcuffs on for magic users. I'm glad we created them before I went to your kingdom. I mean we had them in mind because I knew king Logan had magic...just didn't think he'd ever try and use it."

"You threatened to fucking rape him, he should have used his magic then and there." Remus hissed out. Bart rolled his eyes and waved his hands. His guards left and he walked over to Remus.

"So, repeat after me." Remus bit his lip but nodded anyways. He didn't want his family hurt. "I, Remus Princeton, agree to marry and give up my right to the crown."

"I Remus Princeton. Agree to marry and give up my right to the crown." Remus looked down ashamed as he thought of his family being trapped in the cells for the rest of their lives.

"And I will not complain if my husband asks me to do something." Remus looked up at Bartholomew and then at his chained hands above him. "Remus, repeat it."

"I-I will not complain if my husband asks me to do something." He smirked.

"Good." He pulled out a key and released Remus. Remus backed away.

"W-what is it you want?" Remus asked.

"Well, I want you to listen to my every demand." Bartholomew put his hands around remuss waist. "You are my husband now after all."

"You disgusting pig." Remus pulled away and walked over to the books on the desk. "At least will you grant me permission to see them every week so I know that they are safe and unharmed like we agreed upon?" Bartholomew rolled his eyes.

"You are such a pest." He nodded. "But only because you ruined the mood." He placed an ankle cuff on remuss leg and walked out of the room. Remus collapsed to his knees. The chain jingled as he laid down looking up at the ceiling. Fuck what did he do?


Roman paced the cell. Anxious nerves bounced their way up his spine. His brother just sacrificed himself after everything he went through just so he would be forced into it again!? And he let him!? What kind of brother is he!?

"Ro, sweetheart please stop pacing." Roman stopped and looked over at his parents.

"You two seem completely unbothered that Remus just sacrificed his entire life to that man! That sick vile man! Do you know what he threatened to do to prince Logan when he was in the keen kingdom!? Do-Do you even understand what he did to me!?"

"Ro..." his mother covered her mouth in shock. Roman sighed and looked out the cell door.

"He wasn't just threatening it." Roman sat down and leaned against the cell door looking at the exit waiting and hoping to see his brother walk through the doors. "And he kept threatening to have you two killed. I fought back and he hated that I did. I'm sorry if he had ever actually went through with killing you it would have been on my head for fighting back."

"Roman please don't blame yourself for that." His father walked over and sat besides him. "You protected yourself the best you could. I'm proud of you." Roman scoffed and stood walking away from his father.

"Proud of me? Proud of me?" Roman turned to face his father again. "After all this fucking time I finally get I'm proud of you and we're in a fucking jail cell. Nice going father of the year."

"Roman!" His mother scolded.

"Oh I'm sorry was I just supposed to accept—."

"Well, don't let me interrupt this." Bartholomew laughed as he walked over to the cell. "It's quite entertaining,"

"What do you want?" Roman asked.

"I need you to come with me." Bartholomew opened the cell and grabbed Roman dragging him out. He attached cuffs to Roman's wrist as they continued their walk. Roman struggled against him as he was dragged upstairs towards his brothers room.

"What do you need from me?" He pulled away finally and looked wearily at his brothers bedroom door.

"Your brother, I'm allowing you to visit but only for a few hours. I'll be away on business and I expect you two to behave. Try and escape and you are to be killed on the spot understood?" Roman nodded. Bartholomew undid the chains, and opened the bedroom door. Roman entered immediately after him looking around for Remus. "You'll probably see him when I leave, behave." He left and Roman immediately ran over to his brothers closet knocking on the door.

"Re?" The door flew open and Remus tackle hugged Roman.

"Oh my god what the hell are you doing!?"

"He's letting me see you." Roman held his brother. "Has he—."

"No." Remus shook his head. "At least not yet. He tried but Logan interrupted...oh god..Logan!" Remus covered his mouth as he pulled away from Roman. "And that poor deer I got into trouble oh my god this is all my fault..."

"Please don't feel bad about that." The door opened and the deer walked in carrying some food. He placed it down and bowed to the two.

"But he could have killed you!" Remus shouted at him.

"But he didn't." The deer pointed out as he walked over to the two. "He just had his guards rough me up a little that's all."

"What's your name?" Roman sat down.

"Remy." He smiled.

"It's good to meet you. I'm Remus, this is Roman."

"You two know Patton?" Remy sat down and started playing with his skirt. "H-how's he doing?"

"He's doing alright, he'll probably be very excited to see you when we bring you to Logan's kingdom! All the animals and humans live in peace there!"

"Logans the king that was..." Remy shook his head and started crying. "I'm so sorry you two."

"Wait what happened to Logan??" Remus asked. Romans eyes widened.

"Don't tell me he actually put him to death!?" Remy sadly nodded his head.

"There was talk all over the castle..."


"I should go, I have chores to do." Roman looked over at Remus.

"We have to take this bastard down." Remus agreed.

"We will not let him get away with this." The two smiled at eachother.

"And we aren't leaving eachother behind this time."

AN so sorry this took me fucking forever to update lmfao I hope you liked the update though!

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