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Patton sat down besides Roman at the dinner table. Roman squeezed his hand.

"There's someone dying to see you again. Remus is going to bring him down though since he insisted on cleaning him up." Roman laughed a bit.

"It's Remy isn't it?" Patton asked. Roman nodded. He then looked down at the table.

"I'm sorry I got him hurt Patton." Patton shook his head.

"You might have gotten him hurt but you kept him alive because you cared for him and Bartholomew knew that. He knew if he killed Remy then it would all be over and you would never listen to him. Even if your parents were still alive he wouldn't have killed then." Patton held Roman's hand tighter.

"They took his antler Patton..." Roman looked at Patton. "Because I was too weak to get him to stop."

"Oh boo hoo babes, I fucking lived." Remy walked in and sat across from the two, Remus taking a seat across from them as well. "I blamed you at the time but now I know you did it to protect me. Thank you." Roman looked at Remus then at Remy and laughed.

"Oh my god."

"What?" Remus asked as he blushed. "He looks nice doesn't he?"

"Excuse me." Their mother looked at the two deers. "I'm sorry for everything that has happened to the both of you..you two can stay here as long as you would like to." She glanced at her boys then back at Patton and his brother. "I'm sure my boys won't mind."

"Mom!" Roman groaned and hit his head on the table.

"Oh come on, was I to pretend I don't see you all giving each other googly eyes?" She asked. The conversations continued when Patton noticed the boys father glaring at Remus. Remus must have seen it to because he put his fork down.

"you hate me..." Remus mumbled. Patton gasped and looked at Remus shocked. Remy held remuss hand.

"Remus..." his father glared at him. "Now is not the time to be a pain." Patton smacked Roman's arm.

"Do something!" He whisper yelled.

"Father, Remus fucking sacrificed himself for us! Don't you dare start this shit!" Roman stood up and Patton glanced at Remy who was fuming with anger.

"Eat your food." Their father sternly replied as he dug into his salad. Remus looked down and started to eat. Remy glaring at their father the entire time. He looked at Patton who was squeezing Roman's hand.

~~~a few minutes after dinner~~~

The boys all went upstairs. Logan and Virgil had joined them after Janus explained he had to discuss something with the king and queen. Virgil glanced at Remus then back at Roman.

"What happened down there?" Virgil asked.

"Our father, got mad at Remus." Roman replied.

"I knew he would hate me even after fucking everything! I sacrificed myself to save his ass and he's ungrateful like always!" Remus started crying as he leaned into remy. Patton stood up.

"I'm going to bed." He left the room and walked downstairs towards where the king and queen were talking with Janus. He knocked and opened the door.

"Yes?" The queen asked. Patton looked at Janus and silently asked him to leave. He dismissed himself and Patton closed the door behind him.

"No offense, your majesty." Patton turned back to face the two. "But your sons have done nothing but hurt themselves to protect you from that-that monster."

"You have no right to address me this way young man." The king growled. Patton stood tall and glared at the king.

"I have a right when it's my boyfriend hurting." Patton stepped closer to the king and queen. "Do you even bother to look at them after all of this? Do you even know how much these two have gone through for you two!? They were both fucking raped!"

"Honey, please calm down I'm sure he meant nothing by it." The queen glared at the king then walked over to Patton who didn't even realize he was glowing until she took his hand in hers.

"Well, Remus I can see wanted it from the start." His father chuckled. Patton looked at him in horror.

"WHAT!?" The queen pulled away from Patton and looked at the king in disbelief and disgust.

"Come on, you remember he's the kingdoms whore." The king laughed.

"WHAT THE HELL!?" The queen shook her head. "No! You promised me you were not being serious and that this was all some sort of sick joke! You promised me you were trying to make him stronger by messing with his head! That this didn't actually happen to my son!" Tears were flowing down her face. "Was that all an act in those cells!? Did you not actually care for our sons at all!?"

"I knew they'd protect you." The king chuckled as he stood up from his throne. "Bartholomew is a family friend after all, so I knew he was coming. I knew exactly what he wanted."

"You evil evil vile man!" The queen hissed. "You let him rape me until the boys came back all because you wanted power!? He locked you in a god damn cell! You deserved to rot down there!"

"Yet you never noticed he didn't touch me at all." The king chuckled. "You are beautiful but man you are a moron." The king snapped his fingers and guards stepped into the room blocking all the doors.

"What do you think you are doing?" The queen asked. He stepped closer and grabbed hold of the queen pulling her away from Patton who just stared on in horror.

"Getting you away from him for our visitor." He chuckled. "welcome back Bartholomew." The queen looked behind Patton in horror. Patton turned around and when he saw Bartholomew entering the room he froze. "Bartholomew can have the throne all he wants, because I don't care for it. I have somewhere else I need to be." The king walked over to Bartholomew who's eyes glowed red for a moment before he suddenly stabbed the king. As the king fell Bartholomew grew in power. Patton watched in horror.

"Easy to manipulate." Bartholomew walked closer to Patton who backed away trying to protect the queen from that man. "I gained magic, dying was the best thing to happen to me." He smiled. "Though they demanded I sacrifice someone and so controlling the king was easy."

"You won't get away with this!" The queen shouted. Bartholomew suddenly grabbed Patton and pulled him close to his chest.

"Oh but my queen, I already have." He snapped his fingers and one of the guards stabbed her. Blood fell from her mouth as she collapsed to the ground. Patton went to scream but Bartholomew held his hand over pattons mouth. "Send guards to gather the rest. I need this little deer here to learn a lesson." The guards all left Patton alone with Bartholomew. He released patton and Patton shook as he was dragged over and chained at the foot of the throne by his neck. "Good boy." Bartholomew sat down and placed his legs on either side of Patton, pulling his hair and forcing him to look up at him.

"Please..." Bartholomew laughed.

"I like it when they beg."

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