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Virgil flew closer to where the connection was and glared at the boat that was traveling away. They threw him in the water!? Virgil swooped down and landed on the boat glaring at the two men.

"Where is King Reen!?" He made a fireball in his hands. "I demand to know right now or I just kill you both on the spot."

"Probably dead already." They both laughed.

"Yeah, he's just a little tied up." Virgil looked down and then at them.

"You threw him in!?" Virgil didn't even think, he transformed back and dove into the water. Virgil wasn't a very strong swimmer but he used magic to keep him down. Once he got around he noticed a trail of magic leading to a cave. He followed it and he popped out of the water opening his eyes he saw Logan. "Lo!" He jumped out of the water and ran over to him. Logan opened his eyes and smiled.

"I knew you'd somehow find me." Logan sat up.

"How the hell did you survive that?" Logan held up his wrist.

"When they threw me in, I guess the magic blockers broke. I was able to get in here but I couldn't get back up my magic failed every single time I tried."

"I'm glad you got here." Virgil hugged him close.

"Hey wait a second..." he tilted his head. "How did you get down here?" Virgil lit his hand and purple fire flashed and suddenly disappeared, he smiled at Logan.

"Magic of course."

"Holy shit. How!?"

"My dad." Virgil looked up. "Looks like we are in some sort of volcano?" He shrugged. "I can easily get us out of here, ready?"

"Is it even safe to try?" Logan asked. Virgil closed his eyes and the purple light surrounded him.

"Of course it is, do you trust me?" Logan smiled at Virgil and nodded.

"I always trust you." They flew into the air, Logan tightly holding onto Virgil. When they got back, they had a lot to take care of.

The truth inside the curse (Sanderssides fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now