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***Logan (several months later)***

Logan scratched at his wrist. They were red and bleeding. He groaned as he slammed his head against the wall. Probably getting infected. He looked towards the cell door and saw the guards playing poker. He looked away, his hair falling into his face.

"What you looking at boy?" One of them asked. Logan groaned. Not again.

"I wasn't." He mumbled.

"I can't hear you boy, speak up."

"I said I wasn't looking at you!" Logan looked over at them making eye contact with the guard.

"Oh he still plays tough how cute. You are nothing without your magic." He stood up. Logan could smell the alcohol from where he sat chained to the bed by his ankle. He backed up as much as he could.

"I was just stating it louder so you could hear me." Logan held a hand to his throat. "Can I please have some water?"

"He wants something to drink awww....what do you say we give him something to drink?" Logan looked at the other guards as they poured him a glass of the alcohol. Logan shook his head.

"I would rather the water." He glared at the guard as he opened the cell.

"Drink the alcohol boy. It's the only liquid you'll get." He handed Logan the glass. Logan shook his head and started crying.

"I can't..."

"Drink up." Logan looked at the cup and shook his head again. "What other liquid should we give you that you'd drink?"

"Water." Logan replied as he shoved the glass at the guard. "Can't you just give me that?"

"I think..." he tilted Logan's head up. "We all have another liquid you can drink. And it'll give us something to do." He chuckled and Logan felt shivers run down his spine. Oh my god. Logan pulled away.

"Bastards!" He shook his head. "I'd rather just die of thirst."

"Fine then." He left the cell and Logan pulled his knees to his chest. How was his kingdom doing in this mess? He hoped Virgil was alright.


"Are you fucking kidding me?" Virgil glared at the guard. "I already told that asshole I'm not coming to dinner with him like ever." Virgil finished cleaning up after the guards when one of them grabbed his arm tightly. "Let go."

"He demands your presence. And besides, you are a servant not a ruler. You are to do as you are told and not fight back. That's your only place here." They dragged him after them into the palace dining hall. Virgil glared at the man sitting at the end of the table and then he noticed other kingdoms rulers were present so he bowed to them and looked around cautiously.

"Took you long enough." The man grumbled. "Not properly dressed." He sighed. "I'm going to have to speak to the servants about that."

"In case you have forgotten." Virgil stepped closer not caring that all eyes were on him even though he did feel anxious. "I am a servant."

"What's even happening?" One of the kings who were present asked. "I was sent a letter about you taking over and requesting my presence but I'd like to understand why? Where's king Reen?"

"King Reen is dead." The man looked at Virgil and then back at the king. "I'm Bryant Todd the third. I am ruler of another kingdom and when King Reen killed my brother I took over this kingdom as a way to keep peace and clean up the two kingdoms and bring them together."

"I dont understand, where's his son Logan?" A women asked as she looked at Virgil. "Sorry to speak out of turn, but...he had a son did he not?" Virgil nodded and then started crying.

"I dont know where he is I'm sorry." Virgil then glared at the man at the head of the table. "Bryant does."

"Silence!" Bryant stood up and glared at Virgil then smirked. "Go get yourself cleaned up my love, remember they are here for a celebration." Virgil stared at the man in horror.

"I am not your love." Virgil growled.

"He likes to play as a servant. I will never understand him." Bryant chuckled. "This meeting is adjourned i will see you all tomorrow." They left the room and Virgil stepped forward.

"I wont let you get away with any of this." Bryant laughed.

"Logan may have killed my brother, but you don't understand how much power we actually have." He was suddenly right in front of Virgil. "And you, belong to me now." He harshly grabbed Virgil's wrist and Virgil struggled as a ring was placed on his finger. He screamed as it burned into his flesh. "Try and take it off, the pain will get worse. Listen to my every command and I will release your precious king. Don't? Well, we shall see how long he can last." Bryant left the room and Virgil screamed in frustration. He walked to his room and laid down on his bed as tears filled his eyes. He glared at the ring. There was a knock on his door a few hours later and he looked towards it.

"Come in." A young servant girl walked in. "Oh hey Serena, what's the matter?"

"I..." she looked down. "I'm here to help you to your new room Virgil." Virgil groaned.

"Okay first he tells me I have to listen to his every command or he'll hurt he's uprooting me from my damn room to somewhere else? What the fuck?" Virgil glared at the ring again. "I'd kill him if he wasn't so damn powerful."

"I'm so sorry Virgil." She helped grab some of his things. He wiped his tears.

"I'm just doing this so he doesn't hurt you for not getting me to listen to his orders." They walked towards a gated door and Virgil stood staring at it. "Seriously?" He looked at Serena. "The tower? Who the fuck am I Rapunzel?"

"He instructed me to bring you up there Virgil." Virgil sighed.

"Understood." He grabbed his things from Serena. "But I can go by myself." He walked up the winding stairs and once he was up to the room he placed his things down and looked around at the clean room. "Fucking dick..." Virgil heard the door click shut and he looked towards the stairs, immediately running to the door. It wouldn't open. Locked. Great. "Oh my god..." Virgil rolled his eyes and walked back up the stairs looking out the window. "I really am rapunzel."


Roman looked at the letter.

"Logan would not have..." he placed the letter on the table. "Something's wrong.."

"I agree." Remus walked into the room. "I tried contacting him and nothing."

"We should go." Roman quickly told Remus. "Or at least one of us should."

"This is a bad idea and you know it." Patton and Remy entered. "I dont think either of you should get close to that castle unless we know for sure what's happening."

"It's alright, I won't be going." Remus put the paper down and suddenly Janus stood in front of them.

"I will." He glared at the paper. "Logan would never do something like this especially knowing his entire kingdom would suffer because of it."

"Be safe please." Roman replied.

"I promise you I will be." Janus walked over and hugged Roman. "I'm not going to get your brother killed."

"I'm trusting you." Roman mumbled into his shoulder.

"I know you are."

The truth inside the curse (Sanderssides fan fiction) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon