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***a few months after Remus left Logan:Remus***

Remus reached his castle and hopped off the horse walking to the doors. One of the guards smirked at him.

"Damn thought king Reen would have kept you around longer." He walked over to Remus. "Guess he decided you weren't worth it after all." He grabbed Remus's arm and dragged him inside, the other guard taking the horse. "There's someone here who won't be pleased to see you." Remus pulled away from the guard.

"I know my way around my own damn castle, leave me be." Remus went to walk away but the guard pulled him to his chest. Remus panicked. The guard got a little handsy and Remus froze.

"I know you do, but you know Remus....I've heard some fantastic things about you and I want to see if they are true. Join me?" Remus shoved the guard away and ran. He knocked someone over and the two landed in a pile of books.

"Woah!" The person helped steady Remus. "I've never seen anyone in such a hurry to do his—REMUS!?" Remus was suddenly tackle hugged and he stared shocked.

"Ro!" He hugged him tighter and that's when the creep guard stepped into view.

"I was about to bring him to your parents." The guard gestured at Remus. Roman looked between the two and then back at the guard.

"I can bring my brother to my room, I don't care what him, or you, or any of the stupid guards have to say about that." Roman picked up the books he dropped. Remus watched the guard as he stepped closer to Roman and grabbed his wrist.

"You know exactly what he told you to do, and he expects it to be done. I will bring him to your parents and you will do nothing, Understand me Princey?" Remus stared horrified as Roman tried to escape the guards grasp. The guard looked Roman up and down. "Plus he expects you to be on time, you know what happens when you are late." Roman looked at Remus.

"Of course...I'll see you later Remus." Roman walked quickly away and Remus glared at the guard.

"Why is he listening to you of all people?" Remus glared at the guard. "And who the hell is the He you two were talking about?"

"You should really come visit more often~" the guard dragged Remus towards the dungeons and Remus struggled against him. He was suddenly handcuffed.

"What the fuck!? Let go!." Once they reached the dungeons he saw guards standing outside one cell and his eyes widened in realization. He was dragged toward the cell and it was opened, he was thrown down to the ground.

"Enjoy his company while you can, we'll be bringing him upstairs in a few hours." The guard left and Remus sat up turning to face who was in the cell with him. His eyes widened.

"Mom? Dad?" His mother ran over and pulled him into a hug as she cried into his shoulder.

"They over powered us, and took control of the kingdom." His father said. "Why are you here Remus?"

"Because I was set free from that monster....what the hell has happened to you two!? You look horrible! And why is Roman listening to them!?"

"R-Ro...he's alive?" His mother pulled away. Remus nodded.

"He was acting strange and now I know why...but I don't understand how did this happen?"

"We were weak. He blind sighted us and attacked! Of course we trusted him completely and-and Roman he-he agreed to marry that vile man just to save us..." his father started crying. Remus has never seen his father break down like this before.

"Who...who did Roman even agree to marry?"

"Me of course." Remus froze hearing that familiar voice as the cell door opened. Remus felt his mother pull him close to them and the man laughed. "Remus, why don't you tell them about all the fun we had?" Remus felt himself start to shake.

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