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Logan stood in the doorway in shock. He accidentally knocked the door a little and suddenly it was thrown open. A guard dragged him into the room and his father put the paper he was signing down.

"How much of that did you hear?" He asked. Logan shook as tears filled his eyes.

"You-You wouldn't dare!" Logan shook off the guard. "You let him go back to their kingdom now! You can't just marry me off to Remus!" Logan smacked a guards hand away when he tried to grab him.

"He is to stay here, he made a deal and that deal is to be sealed by falsifying you two being married. You won't actually be wed. This notice is to make his kingdom believe you two are." His father finished signing the paper and handed it to a guard who left the room with it.

"What kind of deal!? Father you can't just pretend I'm married to him! He needs to go home!" Logan stomped his foot angrily.

"He will stay in the servants quarters." The king nodded to the guards and they left the room.

"What!?" Logan shook his head. "He doesn't deserve that he's a prince! What is wrong with you!?"

"His deal was, he'd give up his crown to keep his brother out of prison. He'd be my servant until I see no use for him anymore." The king stood from his chair. "Any arguing you are doing is pointless." His father left the room and Logan quickly followed him.

"His brothers going to tell his family!" Logan shouted. Guards were suddenly dragging Roman towards the king and Logan.

"Let go!" Roman cried as he struggled to get away.

"Prince Roman," the king looked at Logan then back at Roman. "You must go home now, or risk being locked away for kidnapping my son. Your brother is to stay here. He made a deal for you to be released and he shall be wed to my son in the morning." Roman's eyes widened.

"No! Please you can't separate me and Remus! Please he's my twin brother! Please!" The king glared at Roman.

"You leave immediately." The king started walking away but stopped and turned to face Roman. "Tell anyone about the real reason he's staying, and we will come after you." Roman sobbed, collapsing to the ground as the guards walked away with the king.

"Roman?" Logan walked over and knelt besides him.

"My brother...If I leave him behind I don't-I don't know what will happen! I can't just leave him forever!" Logans eyes widened.

"You need to leave this castle." Logan pulled away from Roman. "I forbid you to ever come here again. Understand me? Unless it's on business."

"Logan you can't seriously-."

"Go." Logan stood up and walked away from Roman, tears fell down his cheeks. He needed to protect his friends. He started running to the cells. He had a dragon to save.


Remus opened his eyes laying in someone else's bed. His eyes widened and he sat up quickly. Weird he didn't feel any pain. He looked down after removing the blanket seeing he was fully clothed. He walked over to the dresser seeing photos of a man and a women about 17 years ago. Remus walked over to the door ready to leave when he heard someone's voice in his head.

Don't leave the bedroom, they intend to keep you here in this kingdom as a prisoner Remus. Nobody can enter my bedroom but me you are safe there.

Remus immediately started panicking. They intend to keep him as a prisoner!? What about his brother!? Remus calmed himself down and walked over sitting on the bed.

The truth inside the curse (Sanderssides fan fiction) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu