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***Patton*** (a couple hours before Remus found him)

Patton held his knees to his chest after the guards left. He looked at the window in his small cell and frowned. Does anyone even notice he wasn't at his tree anymore? He heard the door open and looked over to see Bartholomew.

"Now, I know the boys care about you and that other abomination for whatever reason." He stepped closer and Patton backed up a little. "I gave your friend the same choice." He chuckled as he walked closer to Patton. Patton stood up and backed up closer to the wall.

"What friend?" He asked.

"That other deer, the one we captured." He chuckled. "Remy I think his name was?"

"What have you done!?" Patton screamed. Tears filled his eyes. His brother was alive!?

⚠️Trigger warning: mentions of attempted rape (skip to the ❗️emoji to skip the brief scene) ⚠️

"Well, you are a very very beautiful creature now that I look at you closer." He hummed as he was suddenly directly in front of Patton. He pinned Patton to the wall, his wrist pinned above his head. Patton gasped in shock. "So, what will it be? Be my little slut, or, I can just punish you right now by beating you half to death and have you locked away for good." Patton stared at him in anger.

"You sick bastard!" Bartholomew sighed. "Is that what you fucking did to Remy!?"

"Well, I offered to give him an out from the torture, but he wouldn't let me have alone time. He denied and told me he would rather take the punishments than let me touch him." Bartholomew chuckled. "So he lost his voice."

"You are so sick!" Patton cried out.

"So I take it, you'd rather be punished?" Patton struggled against his hold. "I like you." He whispered in pattons ear. "I don't think I'll let you keep the options anymore." Suddenly he had Patton down on the hard bed in the corner of the cell. Tears filled pattons eyes as he was stripped down.

❗️All good to continue ❗️

~~~~hours later~~~~

Patton shivered as he attempted to fix the stupid clothes he was given. The short sleeved cropped shirt not covering any of his stomach, and the damn skirt was too short and barely went past his ass. He tried his best to pull himself into a ball. He gently touched his bruised leg where the chain was wrapped around it, when suddenly the cell door opened. He quickly covered his face with his knees.

"Please don't hurt me!" He cried out. The door was pulled open more and he lifted his head a bit.

"PATTON!" Remus ran into the cell. Patton stared at him in shock.

"Y-You got away from...from king Reen?" He asked. Remus nodded. "A-and what about Bartholomew?"

"I..." Remus paused. "H-he's dead."

"Are you okay? Is Roman? Is Virgil!?"

"I-I don't know about Virgil yet, but I know me and Roman are gonna be okay." Remus smiled. "How about you?"

"Oh?" Patton chuckled a bit. "You don't need to worry about me, I'm alright."

"Why did you lie?" Remus asked. Patton looked at him.

"I..." Patton closed his eyes. "Bartholomew he-he did a bad thing and I just don't feel like talking about it right now okay?" Remus let his eyes widen.

"Patton oh my god-"

"What are you doing in here!?" A guard walked into the cell and Remus turned to look at him.

The truth inside the curse (Sanderssides fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now