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You would believe that they had a happily ever after wouldn't you? After they defeated the evil and saved everyone from his reign? Think again...there are no happily ever afters. Not while I'm still here.

***a few years later: Logan***

Logan brushed out his hair that seems to have gotten quite long in the last few years, but he didn't mind it at all. Virgil walked over and placed a tray of food down next to him.

"You can stop that Virg, you're my boyfriend not a maid." Logan looked up at his boyfriend who leaned forward and kissed him.

"But then I wouldn't have the pleasure of seeing you this early in the morning now would I?" Virgil ate a strawberry and sat down next to Logan. "It's still so cool that you had built from what was left of your town." Logan looked down sadly at his hands.

"I wish I could have saved everyone but he really did what he said and I couldn't..."

"You tried your best." Virgil ate the strawberry and Logan sighed.

"It wasn't good enough, I didn't save your dad now did I?"

"Why are you even still on about that shit? Didn't Janus tell you he forgives you?"

"It's really weird hearing you call him by his name, not only that but it's also very strange that Remus can just...summon him?"

"Well, not really summon it's more of a possession type deal." Virgil laid back and looked up at the ceiling.

"Again, really weird."

"Can you stop working for like ten minutes?" Virgil gestured at the breakfast. "And actually eat something before you die?"

"Virgil, I ate a big dinner I'm not hungry."

"Liar, you do realize that I know exactly what they made you for dinner right?" Virgil closed Logan's work book on him. "Are you doing okay?" Logan glanced at the plate.

"I'm not." He sighed. "I am just...worried."

"Why worried?" Virgil shoved the plate of food at Logan again.

"What if...well what if we are attacked? A lot of people don't like that I've become the king. You should see the amount of angry letters I've received!" Logan paused and put the notebook he had down. "Someone's here..." Logan grabbed Virgil's hand and the two booked it hiding inside of a closet. Virgil looked at Logan confused until he heard what Logan did. His eyes widened.

"Oh my god..." he covered his mouth in shock.

"King Logan?" His bedroom door opened. "Come out and play will you?" Logan glanced at Virgil who mouthed no. Logan stepped out and Virgil sighed.

"What the hell do you want?" Logan asked.

"We've taken the kingdom you rebuilt." He pointed his blade at Logan. "You have two options here." Logan glanced at Virgil who stepped out of the closet.

"Oh come on, you know the last person who tried to do this ended up dead." Logan laughed.

"He was a fool to keep your friends alive." He pointed his sword at Virgil.

"I know that voice..." Virgil looked at the man in horror. "Take off the mask you sick fuck." Logan gasped as the man removed his mask.

"I was wondering what ever happened to you all when Bartholomew was killed..." Logan put his hands in the air. "I dont have any sort of anger towards what you have done okay? You are safe here as long as you and your men put down your weapons and leave my kingdom alone."

"I don't think we will do that." Logan looked at the men.

"And why not?"

"Because you killed my brother after all king Reen." Logan glanced at his bedroom door and saw someone else standing there. "And I will not stand for you doing so."

"He had a fucking brother this whole time!?" Virgil glanced around and then back at Logan. "Don't even think about it."

"If I don't, you'll all be hurt and I spent too long rebuilding what was left of my kingdom never mind what was left of my friends."

"Logan, no." Virgil grabbed his arm. "If you go with him nobody will be here to take over! You can't leave them all to fend for themselves."

"They have you." Logan replied. Virgil stared at Logan.

"But I'm not—."

"You are, I mean I never asked you yet...I mean I was going to but..."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait. Oh my god Logan." Virgil laughed awkwardly. "Are you asking me to be your husband right now?"

"I-I mean I was going to ask you later today." Logan blushed. He pulled the ring out of a drawer.

"Gross." Virgil looked at the man who was standing in the room with them and then back at Logan.

"Logan, I refuse to accept this as a proposal." Virgil handed the ring back. "I'm not accepting."


"No." Virgil glared. "I wont accept it. Not now. Not until you come home safe you understand me?"

"Understand." Logan kissed Virgil and then pulled away. "And I need to do this for my people."

"Logan please don't..."

"I'll see you soon, I promise." Logan kissed Virgil and followed the man out of the room, almost immediately magic blocking bracelets were slapped onto his wrist.

"Don't make promises you can't keep boy." Logan's eyes widened as he was thrown to the ground, HOW WAS HE ALIVE!?

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