Gas costs how much!?

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》Y/N pov《

This place is amazing! 

The sky is shades of purple I've never seen before, and there are two suns! Buildings taller than mountains, plants of various shapes! There are small ships flying overhead in complicated traffic. Colors and shapes I didn't know existed, smells and sounds I've never experienced. It was all so beautiful.

I was so caught by the scene that I didn't notice my wandering. Purple placed a hand on my shoulder, I was about to walk off the edge of the ship. As I looked up at him, his shoulders did that same bouncing motion Reds did when laughing. He walked us back to the group, and they started talking again.

Chirping and trills filled the air between them in a fast paced conversation. Occasionally they would glance at me, or Purple would tighten his grip on my shoulder. 

'I wonder what they're saying.'

》Veta pov《

"Must you always comment on their ass?" I groaned in annoyance. 

I mean yeah the little 'ooman looks adorable in their new clothes, but Bahtoh doesn't have to talk about their rump. The oversized clothes make them seem tiny, and the "armor" is primitive but makes me more confident that they won't be hurt. 

"Do not worry Veta," Ayull chuckled," once we get the translator Bahtoh will be sure to mind his tongue. After all, you wouldn't want to scare them off."

Bahtoh laughed at that. To which I rightfully smacked him in the back of the head, sending him almost tumbling to the ground. He wobbled awkwardly and sent a half hearted fist into my shoulder.  Then the Brave 'ooman broke out laughing. To which they slapped a hand over their mouth. 

It was a small noise, but one filled with joy and free of fear. I'll treasure that noise until I can hear it again. Which I hope is soon. 

"The plan for today is simple; you and Bahtoh will look for food, clothing, and hygiene items for the 'ooman." Ayull began," while me and Brave 'ooman look for a translator."

"Seems simple 'nough" Bahtoh grumbled, still rubbing the side of his head. 

"Remember to be nice while you're out." I reminded Ayull.

"I'm always nice." Ayull shrugged with sarcasm. 

"I mean it. We don't want them to fear us any longer." 

"I know Veta, I'll behave." He gave a small wave in defeat. 

Bahtoh hit me on the shoulder again, but before I could pay him back, he ducked. Making his way quickly towards the market, he made several crude motions. One in which he wiggled his ass while telling me to "kiss it". I simply shrugged, and turned to the little 'ooman. 

"Be-safe-see-you-soon" they seemed re-assured at that.

I ran to catch up with Bahtoh, eager as ever to go shopping. I wonder what oddities we'll find here. 

》Y/N pov《

Red and Green ran off, leaving me with the brick wall that is Purple. He towered over me, hand still placed on my shoulder. 

"Follow" he said before turning in the opposite direction of the others. 

For every one step he took I took two, we've hardly begun and already my legs ache. The bruises and sores from before acting up again under the strain of being moved. 

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