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I've been awake for what feels like an hour. I woke up early from a nightmare I've already forgotten. They're getting better. Well not "better" but less frequent, and more manageable. I no longer wake up in a cold sweat, or with phantom pains. Having nothing better to do and loathing going back to sleep, I look around the room. The plain walls, the empty floor.

'Damn not very good eye candy huh?'

Just then the door whooshed open, and in came Purple. His demeanor is strict and cold, as per usual. Of the hunters he is the one I understand the least. He is the most distant, but he was the first to promise my safety. He doesn't seem to like me, yet he goes out of his way to keep me happy. And to top it all off he speaks the least, but tries to communicate. He motions to objects then to me, he makes me copy him sometimes. 

"Food." Purple interrupts my thoughts. Presenting a tray of large blue fruit, a cup of water and small black berries. 

"Thank you…what are they?" I can't help but be curious. The fruit smells sweet and is stiff. But the berries are squishy and feel smooth.

"Safe-food." He answers, still standing- towering above me.

"Oh, ok." 

Despite the way the fruit smelled, it was very sour. Not like the food has gone bad, but like an orange or a candy dipped in acid. It burns my tongue but then melts away into a gooey sweetness, like honey. The berries make a satisfying sound as I bite into them, like the crushing of foam. They are tart but filled with juice. 

'Does all alien food taste this good!?'

I humm whilst eating, savoring every flavour, every drop, and every texture. It all tastes so good! I finish the tray by drinking all the water. Looking up to Purple, he hasn't moved an inch. Standing there, arms crossed, menacing helmet on, weapons at the ready. It makes me nervous. I know he has promised my safety…but how can I trust him?

"Follow." Purple demands, turning away and heading towards the door.

I scramble to my feet, almost eating it by tripping on a blanket. Purple waits at the door, and when I catch up he leads me out of the room. Instead of going to the eating area or the medical room, we go somewhere new. I almost think he's taking me to the cargo bay, but a few extra turns change that. 

'Where are we going?'

》Ayull pov《

I had a restless night, Veta's affirmations and my past kept me awake. I know he is right, I know I must try to gain the trust of the 'ooman. But even now, when I feed them they ask if it's poisoned. I order them and they flinch. So today we will be working on trust, something so easily broken and so hard to forge. 

I did some research last night on 'ooman customs and courting rituals. They all start with finding common ground, by sharing "hobbies". The only thing I could think of as a personal hobby was my collection. I have a collection of specific weapons that I have made, out of other weaponry. I tear them apart and put them back together. From spears to canons, and blades to maces. I've made it all.

But I wonder…

'What will they make?'

I lead them to an area of the ship they haven't been to yet, but it is one of my favorite places. As we pass the cargo bay I can smell their anxiety rising. Their hands clasped together and fiddled. 

"You-worried-why?" I ponder allowed, slowing my pace to match theirs.

"Well…" they seem nervous, either to talk to me or something else.

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